
Tropical Saltwater Fish – Health, Housing, Warning & MoreTropical Saltwater Fish – Health, Housing, Warning & More

Tropical Saltwater Fish :   Marine fish come in a vast array of sizes, colors, shapes, and dispositions providing plenty of choice for fish fanciers. They may remain small or grow to be very large and many have different temperatures, feeding and compatibility requirements that must be considered before selecting and setting up your new aquarium.     Saltwater Fish : Make your salt-water from a marine mix formula providing all the major, minor and trace salts necessary for optimal health. Salinity levels vary, from specific gravity of 1.025, for live reef systems, to 1.010 sg for marine fish only. It is very important that changes in salinity be made gradually. Water quality should be monitored regularly, checking and correcting levels of ammonia, nitrite, salinity, and pH. Water changes should be made according to the type of system (often for under gravel filters, less for Berlin coral reef systems, etc).     The housing of Saltwater Fish : Aquariums should be chosen according to size,