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Discus Fish: Care, Breeding, Tank Mate Guide 2019Discus Fish: Care, Breeding, Tank Mate Guide 2019
Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Symphysodon Discus are the scientific name of the fish species Discus. They are usually bred in South Asia and these fishes are native to Columbia, Brazil, French, Equador and Peru. They are usually found along the Amazon River basin since it is the most bio diverse environment in the world where they clung to the river basin. Also, Have A Look At: Molly Fish Care Guide Silver Arowana Fish Care Guide Overview: Discus Fish They swim so swiftly and are the most peace loving fishes they avoid conflict with any other fishes at any cost. They are very bright and colourful in nature and are schooling fishes so they mostly live in group. People buy them based on their looks. They are very beautiful and large fishes but are very peaceful in nature. However they are not very easy to take care of but very rewarding if you keep them with good care Discus Fish –