
Cat Cat Health

Cat Veterinarian – Select And Evaluate Your VeterinarianCat Veterinarian – Select And Evaluate Your Veterinarian

Selecting a cat veterinarian deserves the same consideration as choosing your own family physician. Ask your neighbors, friends, local cat breeders, and groomers, or even your own general practitioner for a recommendation. Important Factor In The Selection Of Cat Veterinarian The most important factor in the selection is your confidence in the veterinarian. To help you select and evaluate your veterinarian, consider the following points: 1. Is the office clean and well equipped? 2. Is the doctor on an appointment system? This reduces your waiting time considerably, makes the reception area less crowded, and makes your doctor less rushed. 3. Can you take a tour of the clinic at a convenient time for the doctor or the staff? Most veterinarians will be proud to show you their facilities. 4. Does the cat veterinarian take an appropriate medical history? All veterinarians have been trained to organize background information in a logical, concise, and accurate way. This is called “taking the medical history,”

Cat Allergy Treatment

Cat Cat Health Uncategorized

Information about Cat Allergy, Causes and RemediesInformation about Cat Allergy, Causes and Remedies

Cat Allergy Causes and Remedies Your cat’s body has a remarkable immune system of antibodies. These protein substances produced by cells called lymphocytes destroy antigens that invade the body, such as viruses and bacteria. This system can become super sensitive to such foreign particles as flea saliva. Pollen, house dust, and wool, however, and this super sensitivity can produce chemicals that cause an allergy, a severe inflammatory reaction. Cat Allergic inhalant dermatitis has not been as well documented in cats as it has in dogs. It is caused by a super sensitivity to certain particles in the air such as pollen from trees, ragweed, grass, and other plants, house dust, feathers, and wool. The allergy follows a predictable history: 1. It is inherited, so if the parents had it, the offspring probably will, too. 2. It is seasonal the signs appear about the same time every year. 3. The signs begin between six months and three years of age.


Cat Cat Health

How to Splint a Cat Leg – Things You Should Take Care ofHow to Splint a Cat Leg – Things You Should Take Care of

Splint a Cat Leg, If you suspect that your cat has fractured its leg, a temporary splint is needed to prevent jagged edges from injuring the neighboring blood vessels, tissues and nerves. For stability, a splint should include the joints immediately above and below the fracture. An improperly applied splint is worse than no splint at all. Place a clean cloth around the limb for padding. Fasten a rolled (U-shaped) magazine, newspaper, or cardboard to the leg with tape. Many times, the shape of the leg and the cat’s resistance to handling when injured will make it impossible to apply a temporary splint. In this case, gently support the limb with a towel, blanket, or board on the trip to your veterinarian’s office. Steps To Splint A Cat Before splinting the cat’s leg at first try to asses the intensity of the injury. Find out whether there is really any severe injury that would require a splinter.

cat eyes injury

Cat Cat Health

Cat Eye Injury – Information, Treatment, PreventionCat Eye Injury – Information, Treatment, Prevention

Cat Eye Injury All cat eye injuries are potentially serious. Whenever an eye or eyelid is injured, an examination by your veterinarian is necessary.inor injuries to the eye, if not treated properly, can result in vision loss. The most common causes of eye injuries are auto accidents and fights. These usually result in the eyelid. lacerations, lacerations of the cornea (the clear membrane in the front of the eye), or internal injury to the eyeball itself. Sometimes the injury is so severe that the eye-ball is forced out of the socket, a condition called proposes. The presence of chemicals, such as acids or lye, or foreign objects also requires immediate attention. Cat Eye Injury Home Remedies Chemicals splashed in the eye need to be flushed out immediately, using lots of clean water. This must be done as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage to the cornea. Flush five to ten minutes; afterward, apply a clean cloth or gauze bandage to protect the eye from further injury.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Injury – Leg Injury, Eye Injury and Spine InjuryCat Injury – Leg Injury, Eye Injury and Spine Injury

Information about Cat Injury If your cat is not bearing weight on a limb, has a crooked limb, or has limb pain and swelling, you should suspect a break. Crepitus, the sound or feel of bone rubbing on bone, is even stronger evidence of a fracture. If a piece of bone is protruding through the skin, there is no doubt. In a compound fracture, a bone fragment penetrates the surface, and severe damage to the skin, muscle, nerves, and blood vessels can result. Delayed healing and infections can be serious problems in compound fractures. Since bone is not very resistant to infection, cover a compound fracture immediately with gauze or a clean cloth and get veterinary assistance. Cat Injury fractures are not life-threatening, but they should be temporarily splinted so that the jagged bone edges do not injure any neigh-boring tissues and nerves. Remember: A splint should include the joints immediately above and below the fracture.

Cat Hoarseness

Cat Cat Health

Information About Cat Hoarseness (Symptoms & Treatment)Information About Cat Hoarseness (Symptoms & Treatment)

Cat Hoarseness   Hoarseness is usually caused by an inflammation of the larynx (“voice box”), a condition called laryngitis. The cat’s meow may sound different or may be temporarily lost. Bacterial or viral infections are common causes of laryngitis, as are overworked vocal cords. Clearly, a factor in the hoarseness of cats that meow constantly is when boarded or when on the trail of sexual adventure.     Cat Hoarseness Causes There can be various causes behind the hoarseness of the voice of your cat. The following are some of the probable causes behind the development of the cat hoarseness.   One of the most common causes behind the hoarse voice of your cat might be due to the incidence of an upper respiratory ailment. In most cases, cats with a history of respiratory disorders for a prolonged period of time might suffer from a hoarse voice. The infection in the respiratory tract would lead to the inflammation of the nasal cavities and the throat.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Larynx – Disorder Symptoms & Treatment GuideCat Larynx – Disorder Symptoms & Treatment Guide

Cat Larynx A dry, hot nose or a moist, cold nose is not a reliable way to determine your pet’s health, but the discharge, if any, might be an indicator of illness. Normally, there is a slight, clear, watery secretion from your cat’s nostrils. A bloody or thick yellowish, white, or greenish nasal discharge is abnormal. The light pink color to the gums indicates that your pet is getting enough oxygen. A blue or muddy red color to the tongue and gums indicates a serious problem in the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Pale gums may indicate anemia.   The cat larynx (Adam’s apple or voice box) can be felt like a hard structure at the top of the windpipe – the same location as the human voice box. The larynx produces your cat’s snarls and meows by vibrations of the vocal cords. The purr is thought to originate from vibrations of the “false” vocal cords.  


Cat Cat Health

Cat Insect Bites – Prevention & Treatment | Expert GuideCat Insect Bites – Prevention & Treatment | Expert Guide

Cat Insect Bites Some insect bites will cause a local reaction, but a serious systemic reaction occurs only rarely. Bites from poisonous spiders are also rare, but they are life-threatening and need immediate attention. Since their paws are always on the ground – and often their noses too – cats can easily be stung by an angry wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket. Swelling and pain of the muzzle or paw may occur, as may hives (bumps that appear suddenly all over the body). A cat will usually cry out when bitten and if bitten on the muzzle, will continuously rub its face on the ground. Cat Insects Bites Information The following is some information related to cat insect bites. The insects generally bite when they are disturbed and respond as an act of defense mechanism. Other insects like mosquitoes and fleas bite the cat in order to feed on the blood of the pet. On receiving a bite from any form of insect the immediate reaction is itching and swelling of the skin surface.


Cat Cat Health

Porcupine Quills In A Cat – Keep Your Cat HealthyPorcupine Quills In A Cat – Keep Your Cat Healthy

Only curiosity will not kill the cat. There are numerous other reasons for it. If your cat has an unfortunate encounter with a Porcupine Quills In A Cat, then it will have lots of hurting quills which will sting your cat. It can sometimes transform into a furry pin cushion. It doesn’t mean that there is any danger to your dear pet’s life but in rare cases, if quick action is not taken and the quills penetrate an internal organ, this grave thing can happen. Usually porcupine quills are found embedded in the head, nose and mouth of the cat. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take quick actions in order to relieve your pet from this painful experience at the earliest and avoid worse situations. The following account deals about porcupine quills in a cat. Precautions for removing Porcupine Quills Porcupine quills must be pulled out with utmost carefulness. The reason is that quills have pointed barbs.


Cat Health Uncategorized

Cat Allergy- Everything You Need To KnowCat Allergy- Everything You Need To Know

For cat lovers, the most awful situation is when they contract cat allergy. You are extremely fond of your pussy and adore it a lot. However, you have realized that with the cat around, you are having a tough time in terms of your physical health. Cat allergies are common and can range from being mild to the sever ones. This is one of the most foremost reasons that it becomes very necessary to take special care, while around these felines. Nonetheless, you will be happy to know that by taking necessary precautions, you can avoid being inflicted with the allergy. To know more about the symptoms of cat allergy and ways to avoid it, browse through the following lines. Symptoms of Cat Allergy Coughing and wheezing Hives or rashes on the chest region and face Red, itchy eyes Redness of the skin, where a cat has scratched, bitten, or licked you Runny, itchy, stuffy nose Sneezing Clogged and ringing ears Ways to Avoid Cat Allergy Bathe your cat once a month,