Post-Natal Puppy Complete Care and Guide For 2020Post-Natal Puppy Complete Care and Guide For 2020
When the last puppy has been whelped the bitch will lie quietly, recuperating a little from the task which she has just completed. Then she will commence to clean herself, and a short time later to look for her puppies. They may now be given to her after her nipples have been sponged with a boracic acid solution. It is a wise precaution to keep the litter under observation for a time after they start nursing. Frequently puppies have to be started on the nipple. I have often seen them expending all their young energy looking for food, and not knowing when they found it. If this should happen, open the mouth of the puppy gently and insert one of the dam’s nipples. It is usually sufficient to do this once, but I have seen cases where it was necessary to do it several times until the young one finally learned where food came from. Do not feed the bitch for several hours following the whelping.