Cat Cat Health
What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?
Internal parasites aren’t the only parasites your cat has to contend with: numerous insects would like to call your pet’s skin home. These are called external parasites and include such dastardly creatures sticks, fleas, mites, lice, and flies. These Cat Fleas can cause severe itching, skin infections, and even internal problems such as tapeworms, anemia, and a form of paralysis. Cat Fleas Information Preventing or treating these unwelcome creatures requires the use of insecticidal preparation. Understanding parasites’ life cycles will give you an edge in this battle, and the following discussion should be beneficial. Ticks and mites are discussed separately. Any cat older than six months of age can develop an allergy to flea saliva. Cat Fleas are thin, wingless, brown insects that are extraordinary jumpers and move through the hair coat rap-idly. The flea injects its saliva under the cat’s skin as an aid in retrieving its meal (the cat’s blood). The saliva acts as foreign material that can cause your pet to itch and bite itself profusely.