Cat Cat Health
Cat Larynx – Disorder Symptoms & Treatment GuideCat Larynx – Disorder Symptoms & Treatment Guide
Cat Larynx A dry, hot nose or a moist, cold nose is not a reliable way to determine your pet’s health, but the discharge, if any, might be an indicator of illness. Normally, there is a slight, clear, watery secretion from your cat’s nostrils. A bloody or thick yellowish, white, or greenish nasal discharge is abnormal. The light pink color to the gums indicates that your pet is getting enough oxygen. A blue or muddy red color to the tongue and gums indicates a serious problem in the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Pale gums may indicate anemia. The cat larynx (Adam’s apple or voice box) can be felt like a hard structure at the top of the windpipe – the same location as the human voice box. The larynx produces your cat’s snarls and meows by vibrations of the vocal cords. The purr is thought to originate from vibrations of the “false” vocal cords.