What Are The Most Expensive Aquarium Fish?What Are The Most Expensive Aquarium Fish?
Having an aquarium doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Sure, there’s the equipment, the fish and the general upkeep, but all of that can actually be quite affordable. If you’ve got expensive tastes and some cash to splash about, you may want to consider purchasing some fish with higher price tags. There are quite a few species that, for one reason or another, cost an arm and a leg. Here’s a look at some of the most expensive aquarium fish – you may well be surprised to find out just how much money some people will shell out for a fish! Also, check more information about some of the best fish tanks ever built! Masked Angelfish We’ll start our list off with the masked angelfish. They prefer living in deep water environments and are mostly found in parts of northern Hawaii where fishing is prohibited. As it happens, some masked angelfish have found themselves in waters where fishing isn’t so strictly controlled and have ended up being moved into aquariums and being bred.