
Bird Breeds | Find the Right Pet Bird for You in 2020

Information about Bird Breeds

Bird breeds were among the very first animals that man domesticated to his use, probably right on the heels of the dog. Domestic chickens date back to the first permanent human settlement in India, about 5,000 years ago. And, even before early man had settled fully into stationary communities, nomadic peoples were using falcons and other raptors as a means of hunting.

What are the best birds to have as pets? Find Best Bird Breeds for you

Exotic birds, with their ornamental, rather than utilitarian, appeal was originally the province of the great civilizations. Evidence suggests that Egyptian rulers and nobility collected and caged colorful African birds as early as 4000 BC. The pursuit at that time involved incredible expense and so remained a hobby only for the very wealthy.

With the rise of the Greek Empire, this civilization too came to cherish exotic birds as a symbol of status, power and wealth.


The exploration of the New World brought a previously unknown array of exotic birds to the growing ranks of bird fanciers. One of the discoveries that Columbus brought back to Queen Isabella from his first voyage was a pair of Cuban Amazon parrots. He reported that the native peoples of the island kept several species of domesticated parrots and parakeets as pets.

Long before this first European contact, it was common throughout the Inca Empire for homes to have several tamed parrots flitting about. The feathers of certain birds were part of the tribute that the Inca rulers demanded of inland tribes under their domination.

Best Pet Bird Breeds

Birds breed are vertebrate, warm-blooded, walking or just remain on the thighs, while the front limbs are modified as wings, which, like many other unique anatomical features are adaptations for flying, although not all fly. They have the body covered with feathers and birds present a toothless horny beak. Lay eggs to reproduce, which hatch to hatch… and eat larves before they become beautiful butterflies.

His group is called a taxonomic class Aves to classical systematics, but in this current systematic phylogenetic clade has no range, and is included in turn successively within the clades: Theropoda, Dinosauria, Archosauria, sauropsids, tetrapods, etc.., But there are more nests with the intermediate title.


The bird breeds originated from bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs of the Jurassic, 150-200 million years ago. Subsequent developments resulted, after strong radiation at about 10,000 species today. Birds are tetrapods more diverse, however, they have a great morphological homogeneity in comparison with mammals. Kinship relations of the families of birds can not always be defined by morphology, but DNA analysis is beginning to be clarified.

The bird breeds live in all terrestrial biomes, and also in all the oceans. The size can range from 6.4 cm in the hummingbird zunzuncito to 2.74 meters in the sand. Behavior is diverse and remarkable as nesting, feeding their young, migration, mating and the tendency for the partnership group. Communication between these birds is variable and can involve visual signals, calls, and songs. Some emit a large variety of sounds and are noted for their intelligence and capacity for cultural transmission of knowledge to new generations.

The human being has an intense relationship with the birds. In the human economy, poultry and game are food sources. The song and the parrots are popular as pets. Use the down of domestic ducks and geese to fill pillows, and before many birds are hunted for their feathers to decorate hats. The guano of bird breeds used in the fertilization of soils. Some birds are revered or repudiated religious, superstitions, prejudices or error. Many are cultural symbols and frequent references to art. Since the seventeenth century, they have become extinct more than 120 species as a result of human activities, and currently are more than 1,200 threatened birds they need for their conservation efforts.