10 Best Aquarium Carpet Plants For Your Fish Tank
Tropica Marsilea Hirsuta Live Aquarium Plant

Mersilea Species are steady & can be grown under low lighting conditions with regular fertilizing regimen. Many Mersilea species are grown using rhizome at regular interval, propagation is simple as new rhizomes help the leaves to grow from the plant section. Their adaption period is extended in the submerged water, but once the plants are established they grow steadily without any difficulties. The species comes under the category of carpet plants for decoration of aquarium & greenery for fishes & the main point about these species, these aquarium carpet plants are medicated or secure from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes & shrimps to live.
Taxiphyllum Barbieri

Taxiphyllum Barbieri are generally found in South-East asia which has a hard structure & demands only few water & light for the growth. The plant is 3-10 cm thick & grows willingly on any surface without any problem, the plant is perfect for decoration of stones, installation in the aquarium & tree roots. This carpet plants can be a wonderful hiding place for young fish in breeding aquarium. This plant is easy to use & maintain compared to other aquarium carpet plants. Taxiphyllum Barbieri are medicated or secured from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes & shrimps to live. And also Read How to Clean Aquarium.
This aquarium carpet plant is a perfect choice for small & medium sized aquarium!
Staurogyne Repens

Staurogyne repens is a fresh green aquarium carpet plant for the foreground of the aquarium. Staurogyne is compact, low and bushy structure which is 5-10 cm long and small green leaves with each stem of 3.4 cm wide. During plantation in the aquarium, the longest uprights shoots be chopped off so that new shoots can be grown horizontally giving rize to gravel. You will be very impressed so far. These aquarium carpet plant will like your tank and you can pull it apart into about 8 smaller sections and none will have difficulty growing. Some if it is in Eco-Compete substrate and others are in gravel. You can plan to let it grow taller for a week or so that they can try to clip about an inch or so off the top stems and see if they will survive and take root once re-planted. The hardest part about transplanting from the original cup has been planting them at the right depth. The roots and leaves are so fine It was really press hard to get them to seat under the gravel. They all popped up and out of the black eco-complete a few times.
Monosolenium Tenerum

The aquarium carpet plant- Monosolenium Tenerum is a beautiful liverwort which is 2-5 cm in height & is compared to giant Riccia that simply stays beneath & forms cushion. These carpet plants are soft & can be broken easily with no efforts, so it is better to place in the aquarium which has stones attached to the fishing line or in small clumps where all plants are present. Once the plant is established it has a undemanding nature. These aquarium carpet plants are medicated or secure from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes & shrimps to live so that water cannot be polluted & aquarium life cannot be disturbed.
These live carpet plants are suitable for all types of aquarium!
Quick Read: Things You Should Know Before Buying an Aquarium
Eleocharis Parvula

The aquarium carpet freshwater plant does best planted in bunches as it will spread like a carpet throughout the tank. Also known as “Dwarf Hairgrass”, this plant grows fast and is used frequently amongst expert level freshwater aquarium hobbyists. Foreground Plant, but also carpet across the substrate. Once you will plant it using the appropriate technique i.e splitting them into seperate groups of 5 or 6 and then planted them along with DIY CO2 and root tabs; the plants have covered a good amount of my aquarium. The price difference is also not that much. Medium lighting is required for the growth of the plants & Eleocharis parvula is easy to use & maintain at low cost. These aquarium carpet plants are medicated or secure from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes & shrimps to live.
Works well in both large and small fish tanks!
Eleochalis Acicularis

Eleochalis acicularis has lower growth as compared to other aquarium carpet plants. The mini-version of the plants are planted in small portions covering larger areas, in no time dense carpet will be visible in the aquarium. Eleochalis acicularis needs light for the steady growth & considered as one of the most secure species for creating carpet & needs minimal maintainence because leaves are small about 3-5 cm in length. These carpet plants are medicated or secure from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes & shrimps to live.
The plants are suitable for nano aquariums!
Sagittaria Subulata

Sagittaria Subulata has long narrow leaves that fills the middle or background of the shallow aquarium especially with a good lighting. But the condition of lighting should be 3 watts per gallon or more lighting , to satisfy the needs of the plants for growth. As these aquarium carpet plants are long, so to keep them short place the plants in the foreground of the tank & provide low lighting so that they stay low & has less growth. To promote the height you will always need to fertilize the water column when the substrate doesn’t hold enough nutrients & also add some Carbon Dioxide, but the growth may be slower & horizontal. Sagittaria Subulata spreads like thick carpet on the tank
They are suiable for large tanks where height is not an issue!
Hemianthus Callitrichoides ‘Cuba’

Hemianthus callitrichoides is considered one of the smallest aquarium carpet plants in the world & has minimal size leaves that grows over the bottom of the tank like a reptile.They are planted in small portions so that they have thick carpet on the bottom of the tank. This carpet plants is nicknamed as “Cuba” because they are mainly found in the Cuba-West of Havanna. These aquarium carpet plants are medicated or secure from snails, bacteria, pesticides & algae creating a safe & medicated place for fishes to live.
Bacopa Monnieri ‘Compact’

As the name suggests Bacopa monnieri is a compact plant for the aquarium, need a good lighting conditions to grow on the bottom of the tank, it is almost a creeping plant. Since ethe aquarium carpet plant produces a lot of side shoots , by chopping off all the vertical growing shoots the plants can maintain the low & close growth. The plant is considered as high carpet or bushy plant in the aquarium & the growth will be affected with decreased lighting & carbon dioxide. The plant grows in the shadow of different plants
Small aquarium? Not an issue Bacopa monnieri can easily grow into it!
Utricularia Graminifolia

Utricularia graminifolia from asia belongs to Bladwort family, these families contain where plants eat insects, has an everlasting existence & grows on low lying area, they have unique feature like Bladder traps which no other aquarium carpet plants consist in this category. The look-a-like grass with leaves & after a short period of time they are fully grown on the bottom of the tank which looks like a playground or lawn for the fishes, they are 2-8 cm long. Utricularia graminifolia considered as best ideal foreground aquarium carpet plants as they keep the aquarium safe from harmful insects & also gives a beautiful view from outside Also Check Out java moss.
They are suitable for all types of aquaruium!
For Further Reading: Check Out Java Moss