

Best Information About Rabbit Food Chain(Basic Tips & Guide)Best Information About Rabbit Food Chain(Basic Tips & Guide)

What is Rabbit Food Chain?     The food chain is the relationship between species within an ecosystem on the basis of food. It is their eating habit that creates a relationship between them in a specific living space. Likewise, the rabbit is also a part of a food chain, and if you are a rabbit pet owner you must have a good idea of the rabbit food chain. It will help you to have a comprehensive idea of the food pattern of the rabbits and also help you understand the behavior and health of the bunnies.     If you are having a rabbit as your pet and not really sure about the food habits of the rabbit and are thinking about what exactly is the rabbit food chain, then you have surely come to the right place. Here we will discuss the rabbit food chain and will give you some practical tips on rabbit care when it comes to food habits of the rabbits.

somke inhalation cat

Cat Cat Health

Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)

Cat Smoke Inhalation Fire does not injure by burning alone: smoke contains very little oxygen and a lot of carbon monoxide. Other poisonous gases may be present as well, from burned plastic, textiles, and rubber. These add more trouble. Thus, a fire not only burns the breathing tube sand lungs but also poisons your cat.   Cat Smoke Inhalation Home Remedies Remove your cat to fresh air. Check its breathing and use artificial respiration. Treat your cat for shock, and then seek veterinary aid.   Cat Smoke Inhalation Treatment If your cat is conscious, and there is no blood-tinged sputum being coughed up and no fluid in the lungs, humidified oxygen and steroids may be given to try to prevent such problems as severe pneumonia from developing during the critical period – the next forty-eight hours. Pain-relieving medication may be given to ease some of the breathing distress.   X-rays will be taken during your cat’s hospitalization to monitor the lung damage.


Dog Dog Care & Grooming

Dog Begging For Food And Attention Learn Dog SignsDog Begging For Food And Attention Learn Dog Signs

Note: In popular operant-conditioning training terms, behaviors that continuously fail to earn rewards “extinguish,” meaning if your dog no longer receives rewards for a behavior such as a dog begging the behavior will eventually cease on its own   Attention Seeking for dog begging   Sometimes related to dominance or rank issues with the owner, but most often dog begging, or more accurately, demand attention through blocking person’s forward path, nosing or pawing at hands or body or continually dropping toys wanting to play because people frequently or even occasionally respond by giving the dog desired attention     ATTENTION SEEKING Corrective Actions:   Work with positive obedience training methods to establish yourself as a dog’s in-charge leader to avoid possible budding dominance issues. As long as dog shows no aggression toward you, when he attempts to block your path continue walking so you gently bump dog out of your way. Ignore gentle pawing, nosing or pushing for play to extinguish behavior through non-reward.



What Do Baby Turtles Eat? Food For Turtles – 2020What Do Baby Turtles Eat? Food For Turtles – 2020

If you are planning to own a baby turtle or your turtle has given birth to one, then you’ll have to very careful when it comes to diet and care of the baby turtle. You should know what do baby turtles eat so that to ensure the proper growth of your pet turtle. One needs to be exceptionally careful and vigilant while taming a baby turtle. The prime concern of the owner of a baby turtle is to feed it appropriately well. Let’s have a glance at what do baby turtles eat and what not to feed a baby turtle. Flakes And Pellets: What Do BabyTurtles Eat? What do baby turtles eat? One needs to feed a baby turtle in a healthy manner to ensure its proper growth and sound life. One of the best foods one can offer a baby turtle comes in the form of flakes. Pellets are also a great option to feed your baby turtle.

Dominant Dog Behaviors


Dominant Dog Behaviours ( Signs of Dog Dominant Behavior)Dominant Dog Behaviours ( Signs of Dog Dominant Behavior)

Causes and Corrective Actions for Dominant Dog Behavior Note: A dominant dog Behavior requires you focus on mental control rather than superior physical prowess — beware advice to “alpha roll” or use other force methods in attempts to reinforce your higher status as this may elicit aggression from a dominant dog Behavior that otherwise would never resort to biting.   Aggression Some dogs experiment with aggression as part of dominant dog behavior to see if they can back someone away from their toys or food, stop the person putting them into their crate and in other situations, they want to control.     AGGRESSION Corrective Actions: Work with a trainer to determine if aggression stems from dominance, fear/anxiety or in response to unfair rules and expectations. For dominance aggression, the trainer will work toward establishing you as the dominant figure over the dog through consistent rules, training, and games without dangerous physical confrontations.   Genetics An experienced breeder or trainer can watch a litter of puppies and determine which puppies possess the most dominant personalities — true “alpha”


Cat Cat Breeds

Is the Oriental Cat the Right Breed For You?Is the Oriental Cat the Right Breed For You?

Oriental Cat the Right Breed Do you love the temperament of the Oriental Cat breed, but wish you could find a cat with a very different coat color? If so, the exuberantly affectionate Oriental is the perfect breed for you. These charming cats are closely related to the Oriental Cat and are even considered to be Siamese by many cat associations. However, the Cat Fanciers Association considers these cats to be a distinct breed that just happens to be descended from the Oriental Cat breed.   The Oriental was originally a shorthair breed, but longhairs are now available, as well. While the Oriental breed is said to have been founded in Great Britain in the nineteen fifties, Oriental Cat with a wide range of colors has been around for hundreds of years. In the early nineteen hundreds, breeders decided they only wanted Siamese to come in the traditional point colors, and the color variations became much less common.


Cat Breeds Cat Cat Health

What is feline leukemia? | How to care for a cat with FeLVWhat is feline leukemia? | How to care for a cat with FeLV

Feline leukemia is one of the most common diseases to befall cats, especially those that go outdoors. It is highly contagious amongst cats and is a virus that attacks the immune system of the host, causing immunodeficiency problems that can lead to a host of secondary infections, many of which can be fatal if not treated swiftly.   How can I tell if my cat has FeLV (feline leukemia)?     Not all cats who are exposed to the virus will get it. Those that do will begin to show symptoms two to four weeks later during the acute stages of the disease. These cats will have a fever, be lethargic, vomit, and have swollen lymph nodes. Excessive vomiting is always a sign that your cat needs to see the Vet, so if you get your cat to the vet early then they can begin treatment and you can work on protecting them from secondary infections.


Dog Dog Training

Dog Chewing | How to Stop a Dog From ChewingDog Chewing | How to Stop a Dog From Chewing

Dog Chewing on the body or feet often indicate allergic reactions in your dog that cause itching and inflammation, sometimes exacerbated when your dog chews the area to the point of creating a moist, infected, furless “hot spot” that requires medical attention.   ALLERGIES Corrective Actions for dogs chewing behaviors: Schedule a veterinary examination to determine the cause. Allergy resolution may involve special diet, frequent bathing in symptom-easing shampoos, topical treatments, natural remedies, antihistamines, steroids.     Boredom Dogs Chewing offers a dog welcome relief from mindless boredom but when the dog chews inappropriate items, valued objects may end up destroyed or power cords and other dangerous objects can cause injury or death.   BOREDOM Corrective Actions: Provide ample mental and physical exercise through obedience, agility, tricks or other training along with free running in a safe area, swimming, games or other activities. Supply and alternate numerous safe toys such as nylon bones, treat-stuffed rubber toys,


Dog Dog Breeds

Chinese Crested Dogs (Origin, Varieties, Characteristics & Facts)Chinese Crested Dogs (Origin, Varieties, Characteristics & Facts)

No one knows for sure how this breed came to be, pictures of hairless are in many ancient scripts and some people think they were on the Ark. What is known is that they are a fascinating, and intriguing phenomenon. Chinese Crested Dog Origin I speculate that many centuries ago, a hairless pup was born in a litter. Why mother nature did this we will never know, but for curiosity, it was kept and when bred to another dog more were produced in the resulting litters. Intrigued breeders continued and the breed evolved into what it is today. Some people hate them and think they are ugly. Others adore these animals and say they are beautiful. I am one of the latter. There are other hairless breeds. Humans are hairless, with some are hairier than others and so it is with the Chinese Crested dog. Some hairless have more hair on other parts of their body than is desired for the Kennel Club Breed Standard.

urinary system in cats

Cat Cat Health

Structure and Function of the Urinary System in Cats in -2020Structure and Function of the Urinary System in Cats in -2020

The Urinary System in Cats The urinary system in cats is the main waste-disposal plant. The paired kidneys clean and filter the blood continuously as it passes through them. They help regulate the amount of salt, potassium, and water needed in the body. The excess is passed on with the waste products of metabolism through two tiny tubes axletrees to the storage tank, the bladder. When your pet’s bladder fills wills enough urine, a signal is sent to the brain for your pet to head for the litter box or ask to be let out. The urine exits to the outside by a thin tube called the urethra, locate din the vagina of the female and the penis of the male.         The one important time for you to examine the urinary system in cats at home is if your cat is straining to urinate or has blood in the urine. A large bladder accompanied by frequent attempts to urinate is a very serious problem.