Moorish Idol Fish | Information Food & Best Tips To Take CareMoorish Idol Fish | Information Food & Best Tips To Take Care
Moorish Idol Fish Moorish idol Fish (Zanclus cornutus) is one of the fish species living near the coral that is the most recognizable due to superficial differences and wide distribution. It is distributed from the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific until the U.S. west coast as well as further south to Peru. It may also enter the Mediterranean via the Red Sea. Moorish Idol Fish Information The maximum length from head to tail of Moorish idol does not exceed 22 cm but a wide-body and extremely long dorsal fin make it look bigger. Its color and dorsal fin breaks its appearance and makes it difficult for predators to distinguish the head and the tail. Moreover, its eyes wide in the black stripe on the top of the head. When keeping Moorish idol fish with other fish, it is advised to note. The Moorish idol is a slender fish and should be kept with gentle species.