Best Information About Biotope Aquarium (Basic Tips & Guide)
The Biotope Aquarium :
This type of set-up is not to difficult to achieve but it is highly recommended that all specialist set-ups are avoided by beginners until they have more experience when it comes to things like manipulating the water chemistry etc.

Brackish water is not quite freshwater and not quite marine water, it is found where the two meet, in lagoons, river mouths, tidal rivers, and salt-marshes. And just as they have everywhere else, some creatures have adapted to this environment and make it their permanent home. biotope aquarium fish that live in such places do make the journey into full saltwater occasionally, and also into full freshwater, but although
they can tolerate those conditions on a temporary basis they cannot live there all the time or their health will suffer. If you decide to give it a try you will be rewarded by getting to keep a very unique and interesting group of fish.

Tank :
The size of the tank really depends on the species to be kept but they should be allowed quite a biotope aquarium generous amount of space because water with salt dissolved in it will contain less oxygen. There should be nothing metallic in the tank or any of the equipment because the salt will cause it to corrode.
Filtration :
An external power filter is probably the best option and the easiest to maintain. It should be set up to deal with mainly biological filtration, and importantly biotope aquarium the water returning to the aquarium should be made to agitate the surface in order to increase the oxygen levels in the tank.

Substrate and Decor :
Aquarium sand or gravel will do for the substrate, but it should also have a few handfuls of either Aragonite sand or coral sand included to help buffer the water. biotope aquarium.The decor can be made up of stones and/or driftwood along with some salt-tolerant plants, although plastic plants may prove to be the best option long term. A decoration made up of main driftwood arranged into thick tangles will give the most natural look because it will look like the roots of mangroves.
Water Conditions and Chemistry :
This is crucial and it must be right if the fish are to thrive in the long term.
– Temp. – 76 to 80 F
– pH – 7.6 to 8.4
– GH – 10 to 15
– KH – 8 to 12
– SG – 1.002 to 1.007
Use marine salt because this contains all the trace elements and buffers required to give the correct pH. The salt should be mixed at half the recommended strength.

Feeding :
Most of the fish are carnivores and their diet should reflect this. In most cases, lots of live food will be required but this depends upon the species to be kept.
Fish Rainbowfish :
These fish will eat most of the food offered and they will generally breed freely. Most are active mid-water swimmers and generally, they are very peaceful. biotope aquarium They prefer aged water and dislike any sudden changes in water chemistry so all changes must be made slowly. Don’t keep them with fin-nippers because the males of some species develop long fins.
Anableps :
The four-eyed fish, these are very specialized surface living fish that have split pupils to allow them to see in the water below and the air above. They live in coastal waters in large schools, and can even adapt to full seawater.biotope aquarium In the aquarium, biotope aquarium they are peaceful community fish with other species that require the same conditions of brackish water. Without salt, the fish will fade and become open to all sorts of ailments.

The water should also be hard and alkaline with a pH of about 8. There are different species of anableps and some are live-bearers. biotope aquarium But, unusually, copulation can only be accomplished from one side. They eat floating insects and can become accustomed to flake food, and live food.
They can reach 1 foot in length and are sexually mature at half this size. They must be kept well covered because they are excellent jumpers.

Glassfish :
Unfortunately, these fish have become more noted because in recent years they have been subjected to the cruel practice of fish dying. Because of their unusual bodies which are totally transparent, some people decided they could boost sales of them by dyeing them with some brightly colored dyes.
Fish that have been dyed don’t usually thrive afterward, in fact, most die prematurely and most of the survivors become infected with a contagious viral disease called Lymphocytes. biotope aquarium, Needless to say, you should never encourage this barbaric practice by buying them in their dyed state.
That aside they do make good community fish. They are very peaceful but they do prefer to live food and their diet will include small fish if they are small enough to be eaten.
Some other fish to consider :
– Archerfish. 9 inches, eats live insects, surface living.
– Black Mollies. 3 inches need some veg. based food in its diet.
– Mono. 9 inches need high water quality.
– Bumble Bee Goby, almost 2 inches, small live food, fin-nipper.
– Mudskipper, 6 inches, spends most of its time out of the water, carnivore eats small live food.
– Celebes Rainbowfish, 3 inches, eats most food.