Cat Abdominal Pain | How to take care of your Cat (2020)
Cat Abdominal Pain

Acute cat abdominal pain is characterized by a hunched back and a tense, tender abdomen. It is often accompanied by bloody vomit or stools, unproductive vomiting, painful attempts to urinate or defecate, bloody urine, or weakness in the legs. If one or more of these signs appears, see the veterinarian immediately.
Cat Abdominal Pain Treatment
The best home treatment is no treatment at all. Watch your cat closely. A phone call or visit to your veterinarian may be necessary.

The suddenness and severity of the signs, coupled with a pet in pain (which makes the physical exam difficult) calls for patience, gentleness, and thoroughness to determine if your pet needs to be treated medically or surgically. The history, physical exam, lab tests, ultrasound, and X-rays are important keys to a correct diagnosis.
Some of the causes of abdominal pain in cats are inflammation, infection, or tumors of any organ in the abdomen; intestinal, urinary, or arterial blockage (thromboembolism); and the ingestion of certain poisons, such as lead or foreign bodies.
Cat Abdominal pain Diagnosis
If your cat is suffering from chronic Cat abdominal pain you will find the pet is experiencing loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting tendency, occurrence of diarrhea, high fever and physical weakness. The following are some of the methods taken up by veterinary physicians to diagnose the cause of the cat abdominal pain.

- The physician at first goes through the entire medical history of the pet cat, followed by a complete physical check up. The vet doctor carefully watches the palpation of the abdominal muscles to detect the intensity of the pain.
- A complete blood count (CBC) hemogram is taken to note down the severity of the inflammation. A thorough check up is also done to check for anemia and low platelet count of the blood.
- Pancreatitis is one of the major reasons behind the cause of cat abdominal pain. Serum biochemical tests are conducted to examine the general health of the cat and the effect of pancreatitis on other organs of the body.
- X rays of the pancreas or the right cardinal quadrant and the other organs of the abdomen can be taken to detect any form of haziness.
- Ultrasound examination of the abdomen of the cat is one of the safest ways to detect the cause of the pain. The ultrasound is used to evaluate the swelling of the organs of the abdomen and presence of any form of cyst or abscess. A specialized probe is placed in the abdomen of the cat. The ultrasonic waves produced by the organs inside reflect an image which appears on the screen of the computer. This process of examination does not involve much pain and the cat can easily tolerate the little physical discomfort caused during the testing process with out the aid of sedation.
Home Care for Cat Abdominal Pain
- Provide your cat with a low fat diet
- If your cat is obese, try to reduce the weight of the cat.
- Do not allow your cat to feed on the table scraps.
- Try to reduce the lipid content or the blood fat of your cat.
In case of severe abdominal pain caused due to a serious ailment you may take the aid of antibiotics and even surgery in extreme cases.