Cat Aggression | Dealing With an Aggressive Cat?
Cat Aggression Information

Fortunately, most cats in a household are pleasant family members. They get along with their humans and other “relatives.” But there are times when two cats will have a “dog fight,” but any aggression should be confronted immediately. Cats’ teeth and claws can inflict serious damage.
Cat aggression can be classified as follows: intermale, territorial, fear-induced, or play.
Raging hormones are responsible for the growling, howling, and posturing common to intact (uncastrated) tom cats trying to hold on to their territory and girlfriends. Castration will stop this behavior.
Cat Aggression Treatment
If you have a cat that is always a victim of another cat’s hissing, growling, chasing, biting and scratching, and only comes out of hiding when the other cat is not around, you may want to give the cat aggression cat access to the outdoors or restrict the cats involved to separate areas of the house so they do not encounter each other. This should stop territorial aggression. If not, find one of the cats a new home (without other cats).

Fear-induced aggression involves two compatible cats in a household who suddenly don’t get along. Some episodes (a lamp falling over, for example) startles both cats. They raise their hair and fight. This type of aggressive behavior is usually treated successfully by keeping the cats in separate rooms and reintroducing them during feeding times (from separate bowls at opposite ends of the room). Playing with both cats in the room will also help them like each other again. Harnesses and leashes may be used when introducing the cats.
If your kitten or cat stalks, pounces, bites, and scratches ankles and feet, you have a “play aggressor.” Redirecting the play to a toy on a string works. Anticipate the attacks and “string your cat along.” Fifteen minutes of vigorous play every day will keep the cat away from your ankles. A spray bottle filled with water will also discourage the attacker.
The reduction or elimination of an aggressive disorder frequently requires a commitment from your veterinarian and you. If your veterinarian does not feel sufficiently knowledgeable about behavioral techniques, are feral to a qualified animal behaviorist will be recommended.
Sometimes antianxiety medication (such as Valium) is helpful for short term therapy of some behavior problems.
If you or your pet is bitten in an unprovoked attack by an unvaccinated outdoor cat (which may have rabies), the cat that attacked must be quarantined for ten days. Make sure that your own tetanus shot is up to date.
Chronical cat aggression can be dangerous! This situation requires an immediate discussion with your veterinarian. To avoid future injury, it is very important that kittens be socialized to humans and any other household members (dogs, birds, etc.) during the critical socialization period five to sixteen weeks of age. Improper socialization is a major cause of future aggressive be stopped by sharply saying “No!” or by diverting behavior, although there may also be an inherited the kittens’ attention to other playthings. A cat basis. Kittens may go through a phase when that is well socialized to humans is a very great they “hunt” your feet or ankles; this can be a pleasure.