Best Cat Care Tips, Treatments and Health Information
Cat Increased Appetite Diarrhea Weight Loss (Cat Care)
More exercise, a cold environment, pregnancy, and nursing will increase your cat’s need for food, especially for calories and good-quality protein. However, an increased appetite could mean something more. For example, the early signs of diabetes or hyperthyroidism saw frequently in cats, are increased water consumption, increased urination, weight loss despite a voracious appetite, and possibly depression and vomiting (these last two are late signs in diabetes).
Worms may also cause an increased appetite, although they could equally decrease the appetite or cause no change at all. Still, you should not rule out worms.
If your pet has a voracious appetite, but the food just passes out as unformed stool sand dramatic weight loss occurs thyroid, pancreatic, liver, or intestinal problems (in which the food is not absorbed or used properly) maybe the cause. These require veterinary attention also.

Cat Care Diarrhea Weight Loss Diagnosis
On taking your cat to a vet clinic your cat would be examined completely. The physician would go through the medical history of the pet, he would note down the cat’s age and other details of the disorders if any. The following are the tests conducted to determine the cause of diarrhea.
- In most cases, the physician asks for the fecal floatation. In this test, the existence of any form of worms, parasites or giardia is detected. If diarrhea is found to be caused to the involvement of bacteria further fecal culture and sensitivity are carried out.
- If the condition of diarrhea is accompanied by chronic signs of illness, complete blood count tests and chemistry panels are recommended.
- In several cases, the blood test of the cat is done to determine the feline leukemia virus or feline immunodeficiency virus. Other virus tests can also be conducted in case some rare virus disease occurs.
- In case of the development of tumors, the intrusion of any foreign body or anatomical related problem the radiography X-ray tests are carried out.
- Barium series, ultrasound and other diagnostic imaging can be used for detailed examination.
- Endoscopy and colonoscopy are some other effective ways to detect the cause behind the cat increased appetite diarrhea weight loss.
Cat Care Home Remedies
If you suspect that more exercise, a cold environment, pregnancy, or nursing may have increased your cat’s caloric and protein requirements, no professional treatment will be necessary for all probability. Any other dramatic appetite changes require veterinary consultation.

Cat care Information and Treatment
Since an increased appetite can be caused by so many things, your doctor will take the time to get a good history and to perform a complete physical exam. Blood tests, a fecal exam, and a urinalysis may be needed. Prepare for the visit by not feeding your cat in the morning and by taking urine and stool samples to test for diabetes and worms, respectively.
A word about diabetes: Most owners of diabetic pets do a remarkable job in giving the daily insulin injections and checking the urine. Although the disease cannot be cured, a controlled diabetic can still live a happy life. If your cat is diagnosed as a diabetic, please treat it.
Here you can learn about cat health concerns, nutrition, cat care tips and more