Cat Ear Infection – Basic Information, Treatment & Details
Cat ear infection, A small amount of light-brown, waxy material in your cat’s ears is probably normal. It is produced by glands in the outer part of the ear canal, and it protects the ear canal and ear-drum. The next time you visit your doctor and the ear exam is normal, smell the ears. You will then know the odor of a normal ear.
Cat Ear Infection
Cat Ear infections may exhibit a slight redness, some pus, and a foul-smelling odor. Head shaking and ear scratching are also seen. The ear may be painful to the touch. If this happens, be sure to check the ear flap for bite wounds or a hematoma (a tumor or swelling that contains blood).

Cat Ear Infection Home Remedies
Ear infections usually require the help of a veterinarian, since the cat’s ear canal has a complex shape. If you are unable to see a veterinarian, clean the inner ear flap and the part of the canal that you can see with baby oil and a cotton swab.
Use a few drops of baby oil in the ear canal and massage the ear to break up the wax and debris. Hold the ear flap straight up over your pet’s head so you don’t damage the eardrum and gently remove any wax and debris with the cotton swab.

Place a few drops of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol in the ear twice daily. Massage the ear canal to be sure that the alcohol makes its way to the bottom of the L-shaped ear canal. If there is no improvement in two or three days, see your doctor. If there is an improvement, continue the treatment for ten days.
Thorns or ticks on the ear flap or at the opening of the ear canal can cause your cat to scratch its ear. Use tweezers to remove it. Apply 70 percent isopropyl alcohol to the irritated area so that it won’t become infected.
If there are no signs of ear infection and a small amount of light-brown waxy material is present, use baby oil or alcohol and a cotton swab to clean the ear as just explained.

Cat Ear Infection Treatment
Your doctor will find the cause of the ear inflammation. A moonscape (a magnifier with alight source) will be used to examine the entire ear canal and eardrum. Some pets with very sore ears have to be tranquilized or anesthetized for this examination.
If ear mites (outdates cyanosis) are suspected, your doctor will examine the dry, black, waxy material under the microscope, looking for the eight-legged mites. If they represent, your veterinarian will dispense an insecticide or oil preparation to put in the ears. Since the mites can hide under the debris, proper cleaning of the waxy material is essential for a cure. Also, since the mites may live on other parts of your pet’s body and are contagious to other household pets, an insecticide powder or spray should be used on all the animals.

Bacterial cat ear infections can be treated with antibiotic preparations. If the infection does not clear up or if it recurs, your doctor will do culture and sensitivity tests for bacteria, fungus, and yeast on the exuded matter so that the treatment will be more effective.
Some cat ear infections can be frustrating to treat. Feline leukemia and FTLV tests may be done. If the infection is chronic, your doctor may suggest an ear flush under anesthesia.