Cat Eye Injury – Information, Treatment, Prevention
Cat Eye Injury
All cat eye injuries are potentially serious. Whenever an eye or eyelid is injured, an examination by your veterinarian is necessary.inor injuries to the eye, if not treated properly, can result in vision loss.
The most common causes of eye injuries are auto accidents and fights. These usually result in the eyelid. lacerations, lacerations of the cornea (the clear membrane in the front of the eye), or internal injury to the eyeball itself. Sometimes the injury is so severe that the eye-ball is forced out of the socket, a condition called proposes. The presence of chemicals, such as acids or lye, or foreign objects also requires immediate attention.

Cat Eye Injury Home Remedies
Chemicals splashed in the eye need to be flushed out immediately, using lots of clean water. This must be done as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage to the cornea. Flush five to ten minutes; afterward, apply a clean cloth or gauze bandage to protect the eye from further injury. See your doctor immediately.
Eyelid lacerations can bleed profusely. Applying direct pressure with a gauze pad or clean cloth to the lid for five minutes should control the bleeding. If the laceration is on the eyeball, cover it with gauze or a clean cloth, but do not apply pressure.

If a foreign object is under one of the eye-lids. your pet will paw at the eye and squint. Of course. these signs are also seen in other conditions. but take a look under the lid – you may see a piece of sand or a loose eyelash. Use Albright light when looking for a foreign body in the eye. Pull the lower lid down with your thumb and inspect the pink conjunctiva that
lines the eye and the inner surface of the eye-lids; do the same to the upper lid. A cotton-tipped applicator moistened with water and gently moved across the conjunctiva can remove the object. You can also flush the inner lid surfaces with clean water while holding the lid open. Do not try to inspect or swab behind the third eyelid; you may scratch the cornea. If your pet continues to paw at the eye and squint for a few hours, check with your doctor. There may be an injury to the cornea.
Proposes is an obvious surgical emergency. Since the cause is a severe head injury, check the breathing, heartbeat, and pulse and treat for shock. Protect the eyeball with a cold, moist gauze sponge or clean cloth so that it will not dry out or be injured further. Control any bleeding with direct pressure. Mi-mediate veterinary help is needed.
Cat Eye Injury Treatment
Your doctor will perform a complete physical if generalized cat eye injury from an auto accident has occurred. An ophthalmoscope will be used to inspect all the structures within the eyeball, including under the lids.
A local anesthetic will make it easier to check behind the third eyelid if a foreign body is suspected. If a foreign body is found, a moistened cotton swab or eyewash solution will remove it. An antibiotic ointment is sometimes applied.

A harmless fluorescent dye will be administered, and the eye will then be examined with ultraviolet light. Whenever the cornea is injured, the dye will confirm the extent of the damage. This procedure is painless. If there is damage to the cornea, antibiotic drops or ointment will be used to protect this delicate membrane from infection. If an iritic (an irritation of the colored part of the eye) is present, drops to dilate the pupil are needed. Steroids are used to decrease the inflammation in minor injuries to the cornea (corneal abrasions).
In a case of proposes, your doctor will recommend replacement of the eyeball in the socket if the accident just occurred and the globe is not severely damaged. If the vessel sand nerves were not injured, vision may be saved.
Severe cat eye injury to the eyeball may necessitate removing the eye, or nucleation. Cats with one eye or no vision get around remark-ably well and are very happy. So do not suggest”putting my cat to sleep” if an eye has to be removed.
Keep your cat away when you are working with corrosive materials. Of course, keeping your cat indoors will also avert fights and auto accidents.