Hypothermia and Frost Bite Home Remedies – Precautions
A cat’s fur is generally enough protection against extreme cold, but any long exposure to low temperatures and wind (for example, if the cat is injured and unable to reach shelter) can produce a severe lowering of your cat’s body temperature (hypothermia). Shivering, stumbling, exhaustion, drowsiness, and low body temperature (80°F to 90°F) may be present.

Frostbite is also rare in cats; however, your cat’s ear tips and tail may be frozen on very cold days. Their positions on your pet predispose them to the full fury of chilly wind sand icy temperatures. Frostbitten ear tips may appear pale (diminished blood supply) or red, swollen, hot, and painful to the touch. The hair may fall out and the skin peel.
Hypothermia and Frost Bite Home Remedies
For hypothermia, place the cat in a warm room. Warm-water baths, hot-water bottles, and an electric heating blanket (carefully used) will increase the body temperature. (Be patient; it increases slowly.) You can measure progress by rectal temperature and by the cat’s response (it will be more alert). Give warm liquids if your cat is conscious.
If your cat is frostbitten, warm the frozen areas with your hands or with moist, warm (not hot) towels. Note, do not rub or squeeze. Ointments or pressure dressings should not bemuse because they may further injure the issue. If your pet feels discomfort or pain, or if the skin seems to be becoming infected, see your doctor.
If home treatment is unsuccessful, your veterinarian will treat for shock, continue there warming methods, and monitor the cat’s heart and kidney function.
If any tissue is severely damaged by frost bite, antibiotics will be needed to avoid infection. Pain relievers may be suggested as well surgery to repair or amputate the damaged tissue is usually not necessary. If the issue is kept clean and antibiotics are given healing usually occurs in a week.

The following are some of the ways by which you can take care of your cats if you feel that it is suffering from frost bite.
- Hold your cat close to your body so that the warmth of your body gets absorbed in the body of the cat. Your body heat may help the cat to recover from the frost bites.
- You can also keep the cat close to any sour of fire. If you have fireplace in your home you may place the cat near to it. But to ensure safety of your cat make sure that there is a screen in front of the fireplace.
- You may also warp your pet with a warm towel or a blanket.
- If you can manage to find out the place where your pet has been attacked by a mild frost bite, you may put your hand on the area and massage in order to warm it up and to restore circulation. But you are recommended not to rub the place very hard as this might lead to the damage of the skin tissues of the area.
If you find that your cat is suffering from severe attack of frost bite, you are recommended to take the pet immediately to the veterinary clinic as early as possible.