Cat Insect Bites – Prevention & Treatment | Expert Guide
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Cat Insect Bites
Some insect bites will cause a local reaction, but a serious systemic reaction occurs only rarely. Bites from poisonous spiders are also rare, but they are life-threatening and need immediate attention.
Since their paws are always on the ground – and often their noses too – cats can easily be stung by an angry wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket. Swelling and pain of the muzzle or paw may occur, as may hives (bumps that appear suddenly all over the body). A cat will usually cry out when bitten and if bitten on the muzzle, will continuously rub its face on the ground.

Cat Insects Bites Information
- The insects generally bite when they are disturbed and respond as an act of defense mechanism.
- Other insects like mosquitoes and fleas bite the cat in order to feed on the blood of the pet.
- On receiving a bite from any form of insect the immediate reaction is itching and swelling of the skin surface. The bite of the insects can be itching as well as painful or stinging.
- The itching caused by the bites of insects like mosquitoes and fleas is itchy in nature because of the presence of the chemical substance in the saliva of the insect. The saliva gets inside the skin of the cat when bitten.
- The stinging irritation caused due to the biting of insects like wasps, bees and fire ants is due to the injection of venom. Significant swelling of the skin surface is characterized by stings.

Cat Insect Bites Home Remedies
For bee stings, remove the stinger with tweezers, if you can see it, and apply a paste of baking soda and water to the swollen area to stop the burning and itching. The swelling will subside within twenty-four hours. Most cats do not go into shock from bee stings, but if your pet collapses, administer artificial respiration and treat for shock. See your veterinarian immediately.
If your pet is bitten by a black widow spider or a brown recluse (a brown spider with the white violin-shaped pattern on its back), apply ice packs immediately to the bitten area. The cold constricts the blood vessels there and decreases the local reaction. A tourniquet will stop the poison from traveling throughout the body. After applying emergency measures, see your veterinarian.
Cat Insect Bites Treatment
Your veterinarian will need to know what sort of insect or spider bit your cat. If a severe local or systemic reaction has occurred, your doctor will give injections of steroids and antihistamines to counteract the swelling and inflammation. Pain relievers may also be given. Your veterinarian may want to hospitalize and observe your pet for twenty-four hours. If breathing is impaired (this is rarely seen), oxygen will have to be given at the hospital.

Cat Insect Bites Prevention
Watch your cat carefully around wood-piles, where spiders like to hide. If your pet generally has severe allergic reactions to insect bites, ask your veterinarian to prescribe an emergency kit of injectable steroids and antihistamines to keep on hand at home, along with instructions on its pro peruse.