Cat Internal Bleeding Signs – Cat Health And Care
Massive Cat Internal Bleeding reduces the amount of fluid carrying oxygen and nutrients through the body. If the organs do not get enough oxygen, they die. Immediate veterinary help is needed if profuse bleeding is noted from many body orifices or if your cat shows the following signs: weakness, pale gums, abdominal pain, breathing difficulty, or weak pulse. If your cat was injured by an automobile, assume that there is some internal bleeding. Internal bleed-in of the stomach is usually indicated by Albright or dark red color to the cat’s vomit. If its excrement is dark and tarry or bright red, the intestines may be bleeding. If a red foamy material is coughed up, the lungs may be affected. Some poisons can cause internal bleeding. Here are also many bleeding disorders that affect cats.

Cat Internal Bleeding Treatment
Lay the cat down and covers it lightly. Note, do not struggle with it. Transport the animal gently, because its body’s ability to carry oxygen is decreased.
If possible, call your veterinarian so that he or she can prepare for your arrival. The first, most important steps are to provide oxygen and to replace the lost fluids with intravenous fluid sand or blood. Antibiotics to prevent infection and criticaster to maintain cellular health will also be given. Your pet will be kept warm with a heating pad or blankets. Its urine output and blood will be monitored to measure progress or deterioration of the condition. If these measures are not sufficient, surgical intervention may be necessary to stop the bleeding.

The anticoagulant rodent poisons are common cause of bleeding in pets. The treatment for the anticoagulant poisons is vitamin K1. It must be given for as long as the anticoagulant is present in the body at Toxic levels. This is especially important with the very potent “second-generation” rat poisons Brodifacoum and Bromadiolone. A cat that swallowed these may have to be treated for three or four weeks.
Symptoms of Cat Internal Bleeding
As a pet owner you are recommended to be well area of the signs of cat internal bleeding. As the bleeding takes place internally it would be sometimes difficult to detect the incidence of any bleeding wound inside the body of the pet.
The following signs of internal bleeding in cats may help you to determine whether your cat is internally wounded or not.

- If your cat is experiencing heavy bleeding internally its gums would turn white and pale.
- The respiration of the pet may become rapid. The process of breathing in and out would be faster than usual. Sometimes, you would find out your pet cat to be heavily panting.
- The animal would also find to be quite lethargic and feel physically weak to move and walk.
- With the help of a rectal thermometer the temperature of the rectum would be less than 100 degrees F as the normal temperature of the rectum of a cat is in between 100.5 degrees F-102.5 F.
While measuring the rectal temperature at first apply some petroleum jelly to the tip of the thermometer before inserting it inside the rectum. Then read the temperature after keeping the thermometers inside the rectum for at least two minutes.