Cat Lose Appetite – Information, Basic Treatment, Precaution
Cat Lose Appetite information
Cats just like people have their good days and bad days. If your pet is alert and active and shows no signs of illness but has not eaten any or all its food for a day or two, don’t worry. Cats who roam free are sometimes fed by neighbors, or else they feed on rodents or garbage.

While this is not advisable, it could affect your cat lose appetite at home and begging on your hands and knees won’t help if your pet has eaten elsewhere. And remember the effect that the environment has. Both humans and animals consume less food and have less of an appetite in warm weather. However, loss of appetite (anorexia) is also seen with many cat illnesses, so see your veterinarian if it is necessary. Sometimes an abscessed tooth or gum inflammation can cause a cat to have a smaller appetite. Look in your cat’s mouth for any signs of these problems.
The term anorexia means cat lose appetite. Decreased cat lose appetite may occur as one of the side effects of any internal disorder. If your cat happens to be suffering from the loss of appetite, you must take your pet to a veterinary clinic for proper diagnosis. The following are steps of diagnosing diseases of cats for poor appetite.

- The buccal examination by studying the gums is performed. The doctor also listens to the vibrations of the internal organs with the help of a stethoscope which is also known as auscultation. The vet doctor also checks the size of the internal organs by feeling the palpations of the abdomen. The body temperature and the weight of the cat are also notified.
- Urine test or urinalysis and blood panel test is also conducted to detect the incidence of certain diseases in the internal organs.
- The X-rays of the chest and abdomen are also examined.
- The fecal matter or the stool of the cat is also examined. It is done to detect the presence of parasites inside the stomach.
Cat Lose Appetite Home Remedies
If your cat is not eating and you cannot see your veterinarian, force-feeding may be necessary to provide the calories, nutrients, and water necessary for survival. Strained baby foods, soft boiled eggs, raw egg yolks, whole milk, and boiled chicken are good sources of calories and protein. You can also try feeding your pet’s regular food by hand: place a small amount of food on the roof of your cat’s mouth with your finger, a spoon, or a tongue depressor. Forced feeding is not to be used instead of a veterinary visit. It should be used in coordination with professional care.

Cat Lose Appetite Treatment
A thorough physical examination will be done. Sometimes blood tests, X-rays, an electrocardiogram, ultrasound, endoscopy, biopsies, a urinalysis, and stool samples will be necessary to identify the problem and determine the best treatment. Your cat may have to be hospitalized and supported with intravenous fluids and feeding with a nasogastric tube if it is not eating or drinking enough.