Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)
Cat Smoke Inhalation
Fire does not injure by burning alone: smoke contains very little oxygen and a lot of carbon monoxide. Other poisonous gases may be present as well, from burned plastic, textiles, and rubber. These add more trouble. Thus, a fire not only burns the breathing tube sand lungs but also poisons your cat.
Cat Smoke Inhalation Home Remedies
Remove your cat to fresh air. Check its breathing and use artificial respiration. Treat your cat for shock, and then seek veterinary aid.
Cat Smoke Inhalation Treatment
If your cat is conscious, and there is no blood-tinged sputum being coughed up and no fluid in the lungs, humidified oxygen and steroids may be given to try to prevent such problems as severe pneumonia from developing during the critical period – the next forty-eight hours. Pain-relieving medication may be given to ease some of the breathing distress.
X-rays will be taken during your cat’s hospitalization to monitor the lung damage. If everything goes well, follow-up X-rays will probably be taken two to four weeks after the injury. If your cat is unconscious, is coughing up blood-tinged sputum, or has pneumonia, the outlook is more serious.

Cat Smoke Inhalation Prevention
Smoke alarms should be installed, and any other fire-prevention measures should be taken. Your local humane shelter or fire department can provide you with a decal for your door that will notify the fire department of the number of pets to look for and their usual location in your home in case of fire.
Due to the inhalation of poisonous smoke, many disorders may crop up in your pet. To detect and treat the diseases caused due to the inhalation of toxic smoke the following are the diagnoses carried out.

- The vet doctor at first goes through the complete medical history of the pet. He or she also performs physical check-ups.
- X-rays of the chest and the thoracic radiographs are conducted to detect the incidence of pneumonia or injury in the lungs. Sometimes even several X-rays are taken for several days in order to find out any change in the functioning of the lungs.
- To find out whether the pet is in need of a supply of fresh oxygen or is properly oxygenating arterial blood gas measurements are done.
- A test is done to note the levels of Carboxyhemoglobin in case carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected.
- A complete blood count or CBC is also carried to find out the levels of the white blood cells. The number of white blood cells increases in case of the occurrence of any infection or inflammation.
- The blood test known as the biochemistry profile is conducted to find out whether there is any damage inflicted to the internal organs or occurrence of shock due to the inhalation of the harmful smoke.
- Cytology and culture by washing the trachea are conducted in order to detect the occurrence of pneumonia. The culture is done to find out the type of bacteria that is responsible for the disease. Antibiotics are administered depending upon the bacteria.
Remove your pet from the poisonous smoke as early as possible. Shift it to a vet hospital for treatment immediately after rescue.