Cat Cat Health
Cat Veterinarian – Select And Evaluate Your VeterinarianCat Veterinarian – Select And Evaluate Your Veterinarian
Selecting a cat veterinarian deserves the same consideration as choosing your own family physician. Ask your neighbors, friends, local cat breeders, and groomers, or even your own general practitioner for a recommendation. Important Factor In The Selection Of Cat Veterinarian The most important factor in the selection is your confidence in the veterinarian. To help you select and evaluate your veterinarian, consider the following points: 1. Is the office clean and well equipped? 2. Is the doctor on an appointment system? This reduces your waiting time considerably, makes the reception area less crowded, and makes your doctor less rushed. 3. Can you take a tour of the clinic at a convenient time for the doctor or the staff? Most veterinarians will be proud to show you their facilities. 4. Does the cat veterinarian take an appropriate medical history? All veterinarians have been trained to organize background information in a logical, concise, and accurate way. This is called “taking the medical history,”