
Cat Cat Health

Cat Leukemia | Forms of the Disease | Treatment InfomationCat Leukemia | Forms of the Disease | Treatment Infomation

Information about Cat Leukemia Since the early 1900s, viruses have been known to cause cancer in animals. In 1964, a virus called the feline leukemia virus (FLV) was found in a household of cats with a high percentage of cat leukemia cases. Since 1964, major development shaves been made in understanding the nature and transmission of this virus, detecting it in the cat population, and studying leukemia and other disease states attributed to the virus. At this writing, there is no evidence that the feline leukemia virus can infect humans or other animals. A vaccine that protects cats against the virus is available. Lymphoma is a cancer of the blood-forming cells more specifically, the lymphoid tissue (such as the lymph nodes). The virus FLV is spread by the saliva and urine of infected cats, and it can also be transmitted in the uterus to unborn kittens and in the milk to nursing kittens. Since it is found in the blood,

cat cancer

Cat Cat Health

Cat Cancer | Types, Symptoms, Basic Prevention & TreatmentCat Cancer | Types, Symptoms, Basic Prevention & Treatment

Cat Cancer The improvements in the prevention and treatment of infections, parasites, and nutritional diseases have lengthened the life span of our pets. Consequently, a cat living into its middle and later years will develop other health problems. Probably the most dreaded disease of mid- and later life is cancer (although there are some cancers, such as lymph sarcoma [leukemia] that affect primarily younger cats). Yearly. There are almost 160 new cases of cancer per 100,000 cats. Cancer begins as a biologically abnormal change in a single cell in one of your pet’s organs. This cell divides repeatedly, producing more abnormal cells. These new cells also divide at an extremely rapid rate and cannot be stopped by your cat’s normal internal monitoring system, which makes normal cells behave. These abnormal cells are biologically destructive: they form solid tumors and invade and destroy surrounding tissue. Malignant tumors produce chemical substances that aid the cellular destruction and help stimulate a blood supply (to obtain oxygen and nutrition) for the tumors.

cat cancer

Cat Cat Health

Cardiomyopathy in Cats | How to Treat CardiomyopathyCardiomyopathy in Cats | How to Treat Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy in Cats There are two forms of cardiomyopathy in cats : Dilated (the heart wall becomes thin) and hypertrophic (the heart wall thickens). The former has recently been linked to some cats’ need for larger amounts of taurine (an amino acid) or inefficient way of absorbing this nutrient from the gastrointestinal tract. The heart-muscle changes have been reversed by twice-daily giving 250 milligrams of taurine, which is available in health-food stores. The clinical signs of dilated cardiomyopathy in cats are lethargy, decreased appetite, and breathing difficulties. The cat with the hypertrophic form may display fainting, seizures, coughing, breathing difficulties, lethargy, or stroke-like signs – the inability to move the back legs, for example. An echocardiogram (ultrasound) is the best procedure for diagnosing and differentiating the cardiomyopathies, because an electrocardiogram may appear normal. All cats over seven years of age should be checked for hyperthyroidism. To help prevent the dilated form always use a well-known cat food that is supplemented with taurine.

Cat Lose Appetite

Cat Cat Health

Cat Lose Appetite – Information, Basic Treatment, PrecautionCat Lose Appetite – Information, Basic Treatment, Precaution

Cat Lose Appetite information Cats just like people have their good days and bad days. If your pet is alert and active and shows no signs of illness but has not eaten any or all its food for a day or two, don’t worry. Cats who roam free are sometimes fed by neighbors, or else they feed on rodents or garbage. While this is not advisable, it could affect your cat lose appetite at home and begging on your hands and knees won’t help if your pet has eaten elsewhere. And remember the effect that the environment has. Both humans and animals consume less food and have less of an appetite in warm weather. However, loss of appetite (anorexia) is also seen with many cat illnesses, so see your veterinarian if it is necessary. Sometimes an abscessed tooth or gum inflammation can cause a cat to have a smaller appetite. Look in your cat’s mouth for any signs of these problems.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Ear Infection – Basic Information, Treatment & DetailsCat Ear Infection – Basic Information, Treatment & Details

Cat ear infection, A small amount of light-brown, waxy material in your cat’s ears is probably normal. It is produced by glands in the outer part of the ear canal, and it protects the ear canal and ear-drum. The next time you visit your doctor and the ear exam is normal, smell the ears. You will then know the odor of a normal ear. Cat Ear Infection Cat Ear infections may exhibit a slight redness, some pus, and a foul-smelling odor. Head shaking and ear scratching are also seen. The ear may be painful to the touch. If this happens, be sure to check the ear flap for bite wounds or a hematoma (a tumor or swelling that contains blood). Cat Ear Infection Home Remedies Ear infections usually require the help of a veterinarian, since the cat’s ear canal has a complex shape. If you are unable to see a veterinarian, clean the inner ear flap and the part of the canal that you can see with baby oil and a cotton swab.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Lameness Disorder – Symptoms, Treatment, RemediesCat Lameness Disorder – Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies

Cat Lameness Information Neither an owner nor a veterinarian can always tell by eye or feel whether a bone is broken. If your cat is limping badly and you suspect a fracture, have an X-ray taken. Two common problems can cause weakness of your cat’s hind legs. The first is a pelvic fracture, which is generally seen in cats that have been hit by cars. The second is called arterial thromboses. This sudden blockage of the artery that supplies blood to both hind legs is being recognized more often in cats of all ages. The syndrome usually occurs suddenly:   The cat exhibits severe pain and weakness or paralysis of both hind legs, which are cool to the touch because no warm bloody reaching them. No femoral pulse can be felt. Clots can develop in the lung, brain, or other organs, and shock and death can occur suddenly. It occurs most frequently with a heart condition called cardiologist causes clots to be carried from the heart to distant blood vessels in the body.

cat fleas

Cat Cat Health

What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?

Internal parasites aren’t the only parasites your cat has to contend with: numerous insects would like to call your pet’s skin home. These are called external parasites and include such dastardly creatures sticks, fleas, mites, lice, and flies. These Cat Fleas can cause severe itching, skin infections, and even internal problems such as tapeworms, anemia, and a form of paralysis. Cat Fleas Information Preventing or treating these unwelcome creatures requires the use of insecticidal preparation. Understanding parasites’ life cycles will give you an edge in this battle, and the following discussion should be beneficial. Ticks and mites are discussed separately. Any cat older than six months of age can develop an allergy to flea saliva. Cat Fleas are thin, wingless, brown insects that are extraordinary jumpers and move through the hair coat rap-idly. The flea injects its saliva under the cat’s skin as an aid in retrieving its meal (the cat’s blood). The saliva acts as foreign material that can cause your pet to itch and bite itself profusely.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Runny Nose – Eyes & Sneezing – Symptoms, Causes, DiagnosisCat Runny Nose – Eyes & Sneezing – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis

The Cat runny nose is responsible, in large part, for your cat’s perception of the world. A cat’s sense of smell is remarkable. All the smells of the world filter through it – but so do viruses like bacteria, pollens and sometimes thorns. These invaders can cause a runny nose. Nasal secretions contain antibodies and tissue fluid that fight these unwanted particles and flush them outside the body. The sneeze is a remarkable reflex in your cat’s body to attempt to expel the irritant. Cat Runny Nose If your cat’s nose and eyes have a thick yellowish discharge and your pet is lethargic, breathes heavily, coughs, and/or has a fever, a serious respiratory infection, such as rhinotracheitis may be present. Discharge from one nostril may be due to a thorn or other object that has lodged in the nose as your cat inspected its environment. Older cats can have sinus infections or tumors involving one side of the nose.


Cat Cat Health

Know About Cat Breast Cancer & Prevention (Doctor’s Guide)Know About Cat Breast Cancer & Prevention (Doctor’s Guide)

Cat Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease of middle-aged and old female cats especially Siamese cats. Ninety percent of cat breast tumors are malignant. Any hard lump near a nipple and under the skin of a breast should be examined by your veterinarian. Early diagnosis and aggressive therapy of malignant breast tumors may prolong your cat’s life. The cause of breast cancer is not known; however, it is possible that breast cancer may be averted if your cat is spayed before the first heat. So if you do not plan to breed your cat, it may be a good idea to have the ovario-hysterectomy done early. If the lump is suspicious, your veterinarian will probably recommend two procedures a radiograph or ultrasound of the chest and a biopsy of the lump. If malignancy is present, metastasis of the cancer to the lungs is a fairly common occurrence. If there is no evidence of metastasis, surgery will be recommended.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Shortness of Breath | How to Treat Breathing in Cats 2020Cat Shortness of Breath | How to Treat Breathing in Cats 2020

Cat Shortness of Breath Cats pant in hot weather to regulate their body temperature. They also pant when they are frightened or nervous. These are normal body reactions and are not shortness of breath. If your cat is truly having trouble breathing minor breathing out and is gasping for breath, there is probably a serious obstruction in the chest or breathing tubes. Cat Shortness of Breath Home Remedies During an emergency, give artificial respiration and see your veterinarian immediately. Cat Shortness of Breath Treatment Your veterinarian will perform a careful examination of all systems. Your pet may need oxygen at this time. If there has been evidence of trauma (such as an auto accident), X-ray swill is taken when your cat is stabilized. An outdoor pet that has no fever and sudden breathing problems may have a chest injury from being in a fight or being hit by a car. An old cat with a history of coughing and heart disease develops sudden shortness of breath may have a failing heart.