cat fleas

Cat Cat Health

What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?What is Cat Fleas & How to Get Rid Of Dirty Fleas On Your Cat?

Internal parasites aren’t the only parasites your cat has to contend with: numerous insects would like to call your pet’s skin home. These are called external parasites and include such dastardly creatures sticks, fleas, mites, lice, and flies. These Cat Fleas can cause severe itching, skin infections, and even internal problems such as tapeworms, anemia, and a form of paralysis. Cat Fleas Information Preventing or treating these unwelcome creatures requires the use of insecticidal preparation. Understanding parasites’ life cycles will give you an edge in this battle, and the following discussion should be beneficial. Ticks and mites are discussed separately. Any cat older than six months of age can develop an allergy to flea saliva. Cat Fleas are thin, wingless, brown insects that are extraordinary jumpers and move through the hair coat rap-idly. The flea injects its saliva under the cat’s skin as an aid in retrieving its meal (the cat’s blood). The saliva acts as foreign material that can cause your pet to itch and bite itself profusely.


Cat Cat Breeds

Painful Frequent or Bloody Urination In Cats – DiseasesPainful Frequent or Bloody Urination In Cats – Diseases

The incidence of painful frequent or bloody urination is actually the indication of a serious renal disease in your cat. As a responsible cat owner you are required to take care of your cat to ensure good health. As cats have the habit of concealing their ailments you have to be cautious enough to identify their cause of their discomfort and find out effective treatment measures by taking it to a vet clinic. There can be various reasons for the occurrence of painful frequent or bloody urination of tour cat. The very incidence of passing of small quantities of urine frequently is known as Pollakiuria. Diseases Leading to Painful Frequent or Bloody Urination There can be a variety of ailments related to the urinary bladder, prostrate glands and the genitals that may lead to the condition of painful frequent or bloody urination. The following are some of the diseases that are characterized by painful excretion of urine.

Cat and Hygiene

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat and Hygiene | Grooming tips for your kitten (2020)Cat and Hygiene | Grooming tips for your kitten (2020)

Cat and Hygiene Cat and hygiene is an important issue affecting the owners of the pet. Cleanliness of any pet at home is crucial in order to prevent illness among pets as well as the family members. Although cat is known for self grooming and in general has cleaner habits as compared to other pets, a close supervision is required by the owner. Owner needs to be agile towards the cleanliness of cat residing at home. Especially if the house has children this becomes more pertinent. Health issues like rabies and respiratory disorders are very common among children whose house have cats. The owner needs to maintain a daily cleanliness regime for the cat residing at home. Advice can be sought from the veterinary doctor who is the best person to guide. In this article on cat and hygiene we will try to focus on some basic cleanliness issues related to cats: Brushing the Cat It is very important to brush the cat regularly.


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Top Cat Litter Info, Facts, Should & Shouldn’t GuideTop Cat Litter Info, Facts, Should & Shouldn’t Guide

Let me tell you a secret. Cats don’t need cat litter. We think a bit of dirt or sand is just fine. Cat litter was invented for humans. Get that? for humans. Humans wanted something that was more absorbant, easier to clean and smelled less. Facts About Cat litter There are clay litters that you dump out. There are scoopable litters and many choices of those. There are alternative litters, made from wheat or corn cob litters. There are a variety of biodegradable litters. Cat litter, is in fact, a fairly new invention. Prior to this, if cats were to use a litter box, humans went outside and scooped up some dirt and placed it in th box. If the cat was very lucky, then perhaps there was a some sand from outside that was used in the box. Clay litter came along. It was more absorbent than most sand. It was, however, a bother to change and many owners wanted something better.


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Care: All You Need To Know About It In 2020Cat Care: All You Need To Know About It In 2020

I love to sit in the window and look out and think about cat care. When the door opens sometimes I poke my head out to see what’s outside. I’m pretty happy inside but other cats are less inclined. Let’s face it, Siamese are inquisitive and we want to know what’s happening and we want to be a part of it. You’ve read and you may have even agree with the breeder to keep your Siamese inside. You have cat trees and scratching posts and you have interactive cat toys and lovely cat beds but your Siamese still wants to be outside. So, lets know more about cat care below: How To Do Cat Care? You may have window ledges up and they enjoy lookin gout. You’ve even put up a nice bird feeder where the birds will congregate near where your cat sits and still your cat wants to do outside. What are you to do?


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Scratching Post, Disease & Furniture Guide in 2020Cat Scratching Post, Disease & Furniture Guide in 2020

Every Siamese should have a cat scratching post. Scratching posts serve a number of functions in a cat’s life. They offer us a way to relieve excess tension and anxiety. They allow us to stretch. The scratching offers us a way to scent an area to claim it as ours. Scratching also keeps our claws healthy. Cat scratching on the furniture because it’s there and it’s a place to claim territory. If there are other choices to make, that have a preferred covering, your cat will not scratch the furniture. What cats like to scratch is very individual. I’m a big carpet fan and I tend to scratch on the stairs, often dragging my body along the stairwell as I scratch. I have heard this is a uniquely Siamese thing. Other cats prefer wood. Humans say that sisal is a great material for scratching as it allows us to work our claws but is less likely to catch than carpet.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Runny Nose – Eyes & Sneezing – Symptoms, Causes, DiagnosisCat Runny Nose – Eyes & Sneezing – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis

The Cat runny nose is responsible, in large part, for your cat’s perception of the world. A cat’s sense of smell is remarkable. All the smells of the world filter through it – but so do viruses like bacteria, pollens and sometimes thorns. These invaders can cause a runny nose. Nasal secretions contain antibodies and tissue fluid that fight these unwanted particles and flush them outside the body. The sneeze is a remarkable reflex in your cat’s body to attempt to expel the irritant. Cat Runny Nose If your cat’s nose and eyes have a thick yellowish discharge and your pet is lethargic, breathes heavily, coughs, and/or has a fever, a serious respiratory infection, such as rhinotracheitis may be present. Discharge from one nostril may be due to a thorn or other object that has lodged in the nose as your cat inspected its environment. Older cats can have sinus infections or tumors involving one side of the nose.


Cat Cat Health

Know About Cat Breast Cancer & Prevention (Doctor’s Guide)Know About Cat Breast Cancer & Prevention (Doctor’s Guide)

Cat Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease of middle-aged and old female cats especially Siamese cats. Ninety percent of cat breast tumors are malignant. Any hard lump near a nipple and under the skin of a breast should be examined by your veterinarian. Early diagnosis and aggressive therapy of malignant breast tumors may prolong your cat’s life. The cause of breast cancer is not known; however, it is possible that breast cancer may be averted if your cat is spayed before the first heat. So if you do not plan to breed your cat, it may be a good idea to have the ovario-hysterectomy done early. If the lump is suspicious, your veterinarian will probably recommend two procedures a radiograph or ultrasound of the chest and a biopsy of the lump. If malignancy is present, metastasis of the cancer to the lungs is a fairly common occurrence. If there is no evidence of metastasis, surgery will be recommended.


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Understanding The Signs Cat Pregnancy Facts And AdviceUnderstanding The Signs Cat Pregnancy Facts And Advice

Cat Pregnancy Information Congratulations your cat pregnant. This is definitely a reason to rejoice but cat pregnancy also increases the anxiety of the owner. It leaves you thinking and planning how to manage the pregnancy of your dear cat. I am sure every owner is anxious for the safety of his cat pregnant. So many questions and doubts shred the mind of the owner – how to keep the cat safe during pregnancy, how to take care of its nutritional requirement, will it deliver safely, and so on. While your cat’s pregnancy is nothing much to get anxious you must have the basic awareness to deal with the situation successfully. Here are the basic related to cat pregnancy facts: How to make out whether the cat pregnant? For the owners who are breeding the cat, it is easier to detect the pregnancy. Otherwise, you have to look for other symptoms like weight gain, enlarged nipples, morning sickness,

cat care tips

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Care Tips, Cat Vaccination Tips (2020)Cat Care Tips, Cat Vaccination Tips (2020)

Cat Care Tips, Cat Vaccination Tips One should be aware of proper cat care tips in order to keep his or her pet kitty healthy and strong. Other than dog, cat is the animal that is commonly tamed and domesticated as a pet by man. Cats have different behavioral approach compared to that of dogs. If proper pet care is taken with right technique of instruction the unruly cat can turn out to be an obedient pet for you. One of the primary cat care tips is that you should need to make your cat feel that you care for her and love her. To make the cat care tips effective you are required to make sure of the following aspects before keeping the loving feline as your pet. Before keeping a cat as pet you should decide whether to domesticate a male or a female cat. Female cat are gentle, cautious and quite in nature.