
Cat Cat Health

Cat Insect Bites – Prevention & Treatment | Expert GuideCat Insect Bites – Prevention & Treatment | Expert Guide

Cat Insect Bites Some insect bites will cause a local reaction, but a serious systemic reaction occurs only rarely. Bites from poisonous spiders are also rare, but they are life-threatening and need immediate attention. Since their paws are always on the ground – and often their noses too – cats can easily be stung by an angry wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket. Swelling and pain of the muzzle or paw may occur, as may hives (bumps that appear suddenly all over the body). A cat will usually cry out when bitten and if bitten on the muzzle, will continuously rub its face on the ground. Cat Insects Bites Information The following is some information related to cat insect bites. The insects generally bite when they are disturbed and respond as an act of defense mechanism. Other insects like mosquitoes and fleas bite the cat in order to feed on the blood of the pet. On receiving a bite from any form of insect the immediate reaction is itching and swelling of the skin surface.


Cat Cat Food

Natural Cat Nutrition Guide | Know the Basic of Natural Cat NutritionNatural Cat Nutrition Guide | Know the Basic of Natural Cat Nutrition

Natural Cat Nutrition Guide From organic kibble and canned food to commercial raw diets and even homemade meals, cat lovers have more and better options for feeding their pets than ever before. People who select healthy food for themselves want the same choices for their cats, and pet food manufacturers have responded with gusto, creating diets that are labeled natural, organic or human-grade. But it’s not always easy to interpret cat food labels. What do the terms natural, organic and human-grade mean? Is raw or homemade better? Here’s what you need to know about natural foods for your cat. Reading the Label of cat nutrition The idea of feeding foods described as organic, natural or human-grade is attractive to cat owners. Who wouldn’t want to give a beloved pet the best? Whether those terms mean that food is better, however, is not always clear. According to the website of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration,


Cat Cat Health

Porcupine Quills In A Cat – Keep Your Cat HealthyPorcupine Quills In A Cat – Keep Your Cat Healthy

Only curiosity will not kill the cat. There are numerous other reasons for it. If your cat has an unfortunate encounter with a Porcupine Quills In A Cat, then it will have lots of hurting quills which will sting your cat. It can sometimes transform into a furry pin cushion. It doesn’t mean that there is any danger to your dear pet’s life but in rare cases, if quick action is not taken and the quills penetrate an internal organ, this grave thing can happen. Usually porcupine quills are found embedded in the head, nose and mouth of the cat. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take quick actions in order to relieve your pet from this painful experience at the earliest and avoid worse situations. The following account deals about porcupine quills in a cat. Precautions for removing Porcupine Quills Porcupine quills must be pulled out with utmost carefulness. The reason is that quills have pointed barbs.

Cat Allergy Treatment

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Parasite – Types Of Most Common Cat Parasite DetailsCat Parasite – Types Of Most Common Cat Parasite Details

Cat Parasite A parasite obtains its nutrition from your pet and gives nothing in return except possible illness. This one-sided relationship has been under attack by concerned pet owners, veterinarians, pet-food manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies. As a concerned pet owner, you must be aware of whether your cat has a parasite problem, whether you can treat it at home or need to visit your veterinarian, and how to prevent the parasite from finding a home on or in your pet’s body. First, let me dispel a few old wives’ tales: Garlic does not cure worms. Cats do not transmit pinworms to children. Candy does not cause worms. Worms do not always cause disease (many pets live nicely with their parasites). Thinness or constant hunger does not always indicate worm problems. The worm medicine sold in pet stores and grocery stores should not be used unless your pet has roundworms and your veterinarian has advised you to use it.

fight cat odors

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

5 Simple Tips to Fight Cat Odors in Your Home5 Simple Tips to Fight Cat Odors in Your Home

Information about Cat Odors Cat Odors One of the most frustrating issues of owning a cat. When you open your front door, do you smell cats or freshness? Here are five natural ways to freshen and rejuvenate your home. First, though, the best start is a clean home. Luckily, you have two gentle, nontoxic cleaners right at your fingertips: baking soda and vinegar. Mildly acidic vinegar is a natural disinfectant that kills mold, mildew, germs, and viruses, and dissolves stains, including soap scum and hard-water schmutz. “Vinegar actually removes the sources of the odor, and once everything dries, it smells very fresh,” says Jill Potvin Schoff of Wallingford, Conn., author of “Green Up Your Cleanup” (Creative Homeowner, March 2008). Baking soda removes the source of the odor by neutralizing its pH and makes a gentle, effective scouring-powder and stain remover. For urine, vomit or other smelly stains, clean with vinegar or club soda.  Or spray a 50-50 solution of water and vinegar on just about any spill or stain.


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Best Cat Clothes – Cat Clothes And AccessoriesBest Cat Clothes – Cat Clothes And Accessories

Cats are lovely as it is but there is no end to human fantasy. Dressing up your cat in various costumes to make it look a real beauty, is quite a fad among the cat breeders and owners. Cats don’t need to wear clothes everyday and they don’t like to do so too. Cats are used to roam about as they are with their perfect agility and grace on normal days and might not feel comfortable in a dress but you can cajole a cat to wear a dress on special occasions such as her birthday and take your shots in a number of poses to fill up your memories and then remove the clothes immediately, before she gets too irritated and aggressive. Cat Clothes And Accessories Just like our costume parties, a cats’ dress is only limited in colors, styles, designs and patterns to human imagination. The felt can be used for making the dress while easily detachable Velcro head and neck ornaments add to the beautiful look too.


Cat Cat Food Uncategorized

Learn all about Cat Vitamins and Minerals for Your CatLearn all about Cat Vitamins and Minerals for Your Cat

Vitamin Vitality for Your Cat (Cat Vitamins) In the ongoing quest for better health, a vast array of cat vitamins and supplements support a multi-billion dollar global industry – for humans, that is. If people spend so much to improve their own health, should cats receive health-boosters, too? After all, we all want our cats to live long and healthy lives. Recommended Daily Allowance for Cats Cats do need a minimum level of vitamins and nutrients, and these recommended daily allowances are set forth by the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). The list specifies the appropriate intake of nutrients such as protein, amino acids such as valine for muscle metabolism and histidine for tissue repair, and minerals such as phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. The average healthy cat gets these minimum recommended levels simply by eating a high-quality, AAFCO-approved commercial cat food. “If cats are consuming a commercial pet food that’s labeled ‘complete and balanced,’ they’re probably taking in a much better-balanced diet than you or I,” says Sherry Sanderson, 

cat training

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Training – Obedience Tips for Your New CatCat Training – Obedience Tips for Your New Cat

How To Train a Cat (Cat Training) Many people are under the mistaken impression that cats are arrogant, moody creatures that will ignore their owners’ attempts to train them. They think that cats could obey and choose not to. Although cats do ignore commands because they don’t feel like doing what their owners ask, sometimes they are not obeying because they simply do not understand. Training a cat (Cat Training) generally takes a lot more time and patience than training a dog. Positive reinforcement works better than negative reinforcement with cats. If you punish them, they will just wait until you are not watching to misbehave, so it is better to simply ignore wrong responses and lavish praise on your cat when he responds correctly. You should start training your cat when he is about eight to ten weeks old. However, if you have an older cat, don’t let that stop you. It may be a bit harder to teach him,


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Urinary problems in cat and How to Treat this ProblemsUrinary problems in cat and How to Treat this Problems

Urinary Problems in Cat The symptoms of urinary problems in cat may try to urinate more often and only urinate a little, or your cat may fail to do so at all. It may look strained or show signs of pain when urinating, and stay in a urinating position for longer than normal. Its urine might have a pinkish color due to blood in the urine. Earlier this week, one of my Abyssiniaurn cats, Hobbes, began to squat outside the litterbox, seeking soft surfaces such as rugs and clothes. After much straining, all that came out was a driblet with tiny spots of blood. Off to the veterinarian she went, where she was diagnosed with a feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). A FLUTD can result from various causes for urinary problems in cats such as a urinary tract infection (bacteria, viruses or fungi), or more complicated causes, such as parasites, cancerous tumors, trauma, bladder stones,


Cat Cat Breeds

British Shorthair Cat Or European Shorthair Cat Breed TemperamentsBritish Shorthair Cat Or European Shorthair Cat Breed Temperaments

The British Shorthair or European Shorthair is probably the oldest English breed and one whose ancestors came to Europe and Britain with the Roman soldiers. The Romans used these cats to protect their food supplies from rodents and as companions. The British and European Shorthair cats are identical and the name just reflects where you live. In Britain and North America we refer to them as British Shorthairs or Brits. The founder of the British cat fancy, Harrison Weir, is largely responsible for turning the domestic British cat into a recognized breed. He organized the first cat fancy show in 1871 which was dominated by the British Shorthairs. However by the turn of the century the Persians began to dominate and by the Second World War the British Shorthairs were in short supply. Some cross-breeding to Persians was introduced to save the breed and some hint of the Persian can still be seen in the Brit’s head shape.