Dog Dog Care & Grooming
Dog Begging For Food And Attention Learn Dog SignsDog Begging For Food And Attention Learn Dog Signs
Note: In popular operant-conditioning training terms, behaviors that continuously fail to earn rewards “extinguish,” meaning if your dog no longer receives rewards for a behavior such as a dog begging the behavior will eventually cease on its own Attention Seeking for dog begging Sometimes related to dominance or rank issues with the owner, but most often dog begging, or more accurately, demand attention through blocking person’s forward path, nosing or pawing at hands or body or continually dropping toys wanting to play because people frequently or even occasionally respond by giving the dog desired attention ATTENTION SEEKING Corrective Actions: Work with positive obedience training methods to establish yourself as a dog’s in-charge leader to avoid possible budding dominance issues. As long as dog shows no aggression toward you, when he attempts to block your path continue walking so you gently bump dog out of your way. Ignore gentle pawing, nosing or pushing for play to extinguish behavior through non-reward.