
Dog Dog Care & Grooming

Where to Find Your New Puppy Dog For Your Children 2020Where to Find Your New Puppy Dog For Your Children 2020

Once you have made the decision to adopt a puppy, your next step should be finding the right puppy that fits your expectations and lifestyle. However, before you bring home the first pooch you see, carefully do your research regarding the breed you wish to investigate. How To Choose Puppy Dog This research will enable you to have a general idea what type of dog will best fit into your lifestyle and home, but you should also keep an open mind regarding the puppy searching process. Narrow down your search to a couple of different breeds and visit reliable breeders in your area that specialize in your breed of choice. If you are unsure if this breed of dog will best live up to your expectations, then do not buy a dog! You should put a great deal of thought and time into what dog to include into your household. This decision should be thought out and definitely not spur of the moment to eliminate the possibility of regrets later on down the road.


Dog Dog Care & Grooming

Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs In 2020Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs In 2020

In recent years, science has been able to prove and measure the “good” we get from our dogs. Scientists say that our levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that represents stress, falls drastically when we are interacting with dogs and other pets. In the book, “For the Love of a Dog” by Patricia McConnell, she says that a hormone that causes us to “feel good” increases merely by petting a dog. Researchers believe that dogs provide a primate comfort to us. A nursing professor, at Pittsburgh State University in Kansas, conducted a study on children aged 7 to 14 years old. The results showed that kids that grew up with pets had a higher competence level and higher self-concept. Kids in the same age range who were also dealing with a chronic illness, and even life threatening diseases, were able to get needed comfort only from their pets. The animals offered non-judgmental friendship that the kids needed.