Rabbit Rabbit Health
Rabbit Digestive System | How Rabbit Digest Food ?Rabbit Digestive System | How Rabbit Digest Food ?
About Rabbit Digestive System The teeth of the rabbit are very well adapted to its normal foods. The teeth consist of two pairs of incisors (or cutting ‘teeth) on the upper jaw and one pair on the lower, three premolars and three molars (both grinding ‘ teeth) on either side of the upper jaw, and two premolars and three molars on either side of the lower jaw. The incisors in the tipper jaw appear from the front to be two pairs side by side, but only a single pair, with a groove clown the centre of each tooth, can be seen from the front. The cheek teeth, that is the pre-molars and molars, are rather smaller than the incisors, but have flattened ends with prominent ridges, thus forming a most efficient grinding mechanism. All the teeth of the rabbit grow continuously throughout life, the surfaces constantly wearing down in order to maintain the correct length and either the chisel edge of the incisors or the grinding surface of the cheek teeth.