Rabbit Rabbit Breed
Satin Rabbit – Learn About its History, Basic CharacteristicsSatin Rabbit – Learn About its History, Basic Characteristics
The distinctive feature of the Satin breeds is an exquisite satin-like texture and sheen which is produced by a peculiar modification of the hair, the scales being much flattened and the central hollow cells found in other fur types being either partly or completely absent. The mutation producing these structural modifications is completely recessive to the normal coat. Satin Rabbit Breeds Information The mutation v, as first established in 1930 in America, and was only imported into this country in 1947. Since then there have been several further importations. The original importations were of Ivory (albino) Satins and this remains by far the most popular color, although some other colors have been established. The coat is of a rollback nature and the fur length 1 to t4 inches. Although it is at present too early to decide whether the pelt will be of lasting value, there is a certain demand for good quality Satin pelts, and in fact,