Turtle Turtle Breed
Desert Tortoise – Housing, Basic Requirements & HibernationDesert Tortoise – Housing, Basic Requirements & Hibernation
Desert tortoise pets are scientifically known as Xerobates agassizii. Desert tortoise is a medium-sized tortoise and grows up to the size of 9-15 inches. Desert tortoises are known to live a long life of about 60 to 80 years Desert Tortoise housing A large glass aquarium will do for housing the hatchling The floor should be covered with newspaper, paper towels rabbit or guinea pig pellets or garden dirt Hatchlings should not be placed with adults to prevent any injury Outdoor housing for tortoises Outdoor housing is preferred over the indoor one. Many keepers construct an artificial burrow for their desert tortoise pets to mimic their natural environment It should be predator proof and should be considered as an option during warm weather They like to burrow and hence the perimeter should have sides extending well below the soil surface Indoor housing for tortoises This is mostly done for hatchlings Desert tortoises are not available outside its natural habitat legally hence it can be kept in the available natural environment The indoor enclosure is necessary only in the case where outdoor housings are not predator-free or environmentally unsuitable Turtle table of 2 feet by 4 feet can be used as indoor housing for the desert tortoise Holes can be made at the bottom to allow sinking of food Water area should allow the tortoise to soak itself without the danger of drowning Heat and light requirements A spot lamp of 100 aw should be placed in the tortoise housing for basking purpose It should be able to provide a basking temperature of 90F The housing should also have a full spectrum fluorescent light to provide for UVB source that facilitates the synthesis of Vit D3 The housing should not have cold weather with wet conditions as it will result in respiratory distress Hibernation Desert tortoises hibernate during late October as the days become cooler It will eat less,