

All About Cat Rodent Ulcers Information How to Diagnose and Treat -2020All About Cat Rodent Ulcers Information How to Diagnose and Treat -2020

Cat Rodent Ulcer It seems to me unfair that rodents have their names attached to a disease they do not cause. In fact, the cause of rodent ulcers is not known, although researchers conjecture that the cause is either a derangement in the immune system or a virus. Cat Rodent ulcer is a thickened, red, and ulcerated sore most commonly found on the upper lip. Other areas that may be affected are the inside of the mouth, the spaces between the digits, the skin of the belly, and the back of the hind legs. Red lesions and blisters on the nose, legs, or body or in the mouth may also be part of the “immune-mediated diseases,” anew complex of diseases diagnosed by a biopsy and special immune studies. Cat Rodent Ulcer Treatment If the infection is not too extensive, your veterinarian will inject corticosteroids directly into the sore and/or prescribe corticosteroid tablets to be taken for about a month.

Cat Allergy Home Remedies

Cat Cat Care & Grooming Uncategorized

Cat Abdominal Pain | How to take care of your Cat (2020)Cat Abdominal Pain | How to take care of your Cat (2020)

Cat Abdominal Pain Acute cat abdominal pain is characterized by a hunched back and a tense, tender abdomen. It is often accompanied by bloody vomit or stools, unproductive vomiting, painful attempts to urinate or defecate, bloody urine, or weakness in the legs. If one or more of these signs appears, see the veterinarian immediately. Cat Abdominal Pain Treatment The best home treatment is no treatment at all. Watch your cat closely. A phone call or visit to your veterinarian may be necessary. The suddenness and severity of the signs, coupled with a pet in pain (which makes the physical exam difficult) calls for patience, gentleness, and thoroughness to determine if your pet needs to be treated medically or surgically. The history, physical exam, lab tests, ultrasound, and X-rays are important keys to a correct diagnosis. Some of the causes of abdominal pain in cats are inflammation, infection, or tumors of any organ in the abdomen; intestinal,


Best Tips To Stop Your Cat bite (Scratching, Delawing)Best Tips To Stop Your Cat bite (Scratching, Delawing)

Cat Scratching Your Cat Scratching your favorite chair, your new drapes, or your expensive oriental rug! Don’t throw your cat out with the dogs. It’s just doing what comes naturally. Like their ancestors, house cats scratch objects to mark off their territory and to sharpen their claws. How to Stop Cat from Scratching To correct a clawing problem, place a scratching post near the object being damaged. The post should be longer than your cat because stretching to full length is part of the scratching process. Rub some catnip on the post as an incentive to your pet. If you catch your cat scratching the furniture, a squirt from a water pistol, and a firm “No!” will stop it. Move your cat to the scratching post and place its front legs and claws on the post. When your cat uses the post, reward it with a food treat, a kind word, or gentle petting. You can also try trimming your cat’s nails weekly.


Tropical Saltwater Fish – Health, Housing, Warning & MoreTropical Saltwater Fish – Health, Housing, Warning & More

Tropical Saltwater Fish :   Marine fish come in a vast array of sizes, colors, shapes, and dispositions providing plenty of choice for fish fanciers. They may remain small or grow to be very large and many have different temperatures, feeding and compatibility requirements that must be considered before selecting and setting up your new aquarium.     Saltwater Fish : Make your salt-water from a marine mix formula providing all the major, minor and trace salts necessary for optimal health. Salinity levels vary, from specific gravity of 1.025, for live reef systems, to 1.010 sg for marine fish only. It is very important that changes in salinity be made gradually. Water quality should be monitored regularly, checking and correcting levels of ammonia, nitrite, salinity, and pH. Water changes should be made according to the type of system (often for under gravel filters, less for Berlin coral reef systems, etc).     The housing of Saltwater Fish : Aquariums should be chosen according to size,



How to Train Your Dog & Top Training Tips (Basic Dog Training)How to Train Your Dog & Top Training Tips (Basic Dog Training)

It never ceases to amaze me how many people I see being pulled along by their dog while out “walking”. What amazes me more is that most of these people blame their dog for this behavior. If they only realized that the problem is on the other end of the leash. house training a dog If your dog pulls on the leash, you′re kidding yourself if you think you′re the “master”. Dogs are smart, and they will take advantage of a situation if you allow them to. The worst part of this situation is that it only takes a short period of time to teach your dog to heel. Since walking with your dog is something that you′ll be doing every day, from the very beginning, it only makes sense that the “heel” command be among the first that your dog learns. When your dog obeys the “heel” command, not only does it make it easy on your arms while out on walks,


Post-Natal Puppy Complete Care and Guide For 2020Post-Natal Puppy Complete Care and Guide For 2020

When the last puppy has been whelped the bitch will lie quietly, recuperating a little from the task which she has just completed. Then she will commence to clean herself, and a short time later to look for her puppies. They may now be given to her after her nipples have been sponged with a boracic acid solution. It is a wise precaution to keep the litter under observation for a time after they start nursing. Frequently puppies have to be started on the nipple. I have often seen them expending all their young energy looking for food, and not knowing when they found it. If this should happen, open the mouth of the puppy gently and insert one of the dam’s nipples. It is usually sufficient to do this once, but I have seen cases where it was necessary to do it several times until the young one finally learned where food came from. Do not feed the bitch for several hours following the whelping.

Dog Escape Behaviors


Destructiveness & Escaping | Dog Anxiety SymptomDestructiveness & Escaping | Dog Anxiety Symptom

Causes and Corrective Actions for Escape Behaviors in Dogs Boredom/Lonely Mental or physical abuse and general neglect can leave a dog fearful of humans. BOREDOM/LONELY Corrective Actions: Provide ample physical and mental exercise daily through training, interactive games and other activities so your dog needn’t escape his enclosure to search for adventure. Dog Escape Behaviors Play with your dog inside the fenced yard to show good things happen there. Because dogs like to be with their family, don’t leave your dog unattended for extended periods outdoors. Crate your dog when you leave and alternate treat-stuffed rubber toys, chew bones, treat-dispensing balls and other safe toys to keep your dog’s mind occupied. Allow dog to enjoy your company whenever possible, including rides while you pick up food or go to the drive-through bank. Hormone Related Roaming An unneutered male that detects a female in season, or estrus, in the vicinity will escape to search for sexual activity as will many females in season.


Top 3 Hydroponic Fish Tank For BeginnersTop 3 Hydroponic Fish Tank For Beginners

you,well hello I’m my gardener and I have an,absolutely exciting episode for you all,now a lot of you have been asking me to,do an aquaponic setup I’ve never done,one I did everything I would until I was,looking at our our fish tank that we,have as a family and I thought you know,we have a pond out on the back patio and,you get kind of some scum we had some,fish but one thing we did have was,lilies lily pads and we had lily pads we,had irises we had lots of moss you know,we had lots of green plant growth,growing in the pond and I thought to,myself well huh in a traditional,aquaponic setup you had a tank you had,the fish and then you had a tube that,would pump the water into a bed of,stones that went through a couple micro,filters and then the micro filters would, uh would would have beneficial bacteria,that would break down the fish waste and,convert it to food that the plants could,have now I thought to myself there’s no,there’s no pumps in our pond there’s no,there’s no micro filters it’s a natural,micro filter it’s a natural ecosystem,and a natural ecosystem there’s fish and,there’s bacteria working together in the,same closed system so I thought to,myself what if I replicated that and,tried a aquaponic hydroponic crossover,set up in just a closed system so I,guess what I’m going to call this is a,closed system aquaponic setup there’s,not going to be any pumps there’s going,to be well I mean there’s been one pump,that’s the air I have a very large air,stone here to supply all the oxygen that,I’m going to need for hosting not only a,healthy microbial habit,that but also for the roots on the,plants and I’m going to do it in the,form of a DW C system a deep water,culture system and I’m going to put them,in this 14 gallon fish tank I’ve painted,half of the tank so in the traditional,method you had a separate tank to grow,the plants and the water had to be in a,dark box,same thing with hydroponics if you do a,deep water culture you have to have it,in a dark thing where no light can get,in so that light doesn’t light prune the,roots because roots don’t like light at,all it creates algae so what I’ve done,is I’ve actually created a kind of all,all-inclusive closed system here I have,half of the fish tank painted with an,opaque color and then the other half,raised is where you can see the fish now,I have seen a lot of setups similar to,this there’s an aquaponics an aqua farm,it’s a betta fish I’ve seen a lot of,people doing that now with a betta fish,and it’s just a little pump that pumps,air up but again there’s a separate,reservoir for that and I thought that’s,just too complicated is too expensive I,mean you’re talking a hundred dollars,just for the the setup not including the,fish not including the fish food not,including the plants not include I mean,there’s a lot of costs that go into that,so I’m keeping this extremely low cost,and I think I might be onto something so,the method to my madness here is this,little box right here this little box is,called start design and it’s by tetra,and tetra makes pretty much everything,fish fish related they made the pump,they made the the fish tank that I,purchased and then they also make these,and these are a complete water,conditioner with beneficial bacteria and,so basically it makes tap water safe,immediately so I’m going to literally be,able to go right away and start growing,stuff,it removes chlorine and chloramines that,kill off other bacterias and it also,stimulates fish’s protective slime coat,so it’s healthy for the fish so that the,fish are happy in the ecosystem as well,and then also this right here says it’s,a fizz tablet that are fast dissolving,and it basically starts acting right,away to to create a complete water,whether it’s a a complete water,biological cycle so you have things that,are breaking down organic sludge which,is the fish waste and then they’re,converting it but it doesn’t just stop,there the nitrogen cycle continues where,they convert the fish sludge which is,ammonia and they convert that into into,food that the plants can use so that is,the my method for my madness it’s all,right here you have the the bacteria and,the bacteria are going to call this,river rock home it’s going to be the,bottom of the fish tank there’s no,separate reservoir needed it’s all in,this reservoir here the the river rock,has a very porous um a very porous,makeup so it has a lot of surface area,and we have a lot of surface area you,can have a lot of bacteria on colonizing,these rocks and so I’m going to pour,these right in the bottom and then on,top of that I have the over here my last,component I have this this is my,floating raft I’m actually just going to,set it right on top,similar to a cracking method that MHP,gardener does he I mean fantastic,fantastic grower with the cracking,method and so basically just you do it,just like he does with an aquaponic,setup here where I’m going to set the,foam right on top and I’m going to float,my two-inch netcups,basically right at water level and then,as the water drains down the the the,microbes are going to break down the,fish waste in the water and,and it’s going to keep the water really,nutrient-rich and then the plant roots,are going to continue growing down as,well as the water level drops and it’s,and it’s going to create air roots up,there as well not not even mentioning,the fact that I also have an air stone,and the air stone is also going to,provide extra oxygen so with all that,said let’s get started let’s construct,this I am so excited I think this is,going to work out great however it’s,never been done before I’ve never seen,this done before so it’s completely open,to review I could be totally wrong with,everything I’m doing this is just a,really fun experiment and I’ve wanted to,do this experiment for a long time,because everyone keeps asking me Lou do,an aquaponic setup do a hydroponic setup,I got a hydroponic setup going but I,wanted to do an aquaponic setup because,why not,so hopefully you all will learn,something as I go because we’re going to,be learning together on this and,hopefully you all will enjoy this so,let’s get started so the first thing I’m,going to do and I’m actually going to,pour my river rock in that was a perfect,amount I don’t know how I guess that so,well but I got it alright cool so just,going to smooth those out there okay so,we got our River Rock down the bottom,there and basically I’m just going to,start filling this with water now I have,a little bit of distilled water but,apparently according to the start design,packet that I have it doesn’t really,need you don’t really need to have,uncoordinated water because the because,the the water pretty much gets,uncorrelated the moment you put these,little tablets in here so I’m going to,fill up some water here,so basically I have the tablets in here,now I have the start dime tablets in and,they’re just dissolving and letting them,dissolve before I stir in any water or,put it any fish now I am going to let,the tank rest for if you know about an,hour to before I put anything in just,because I want the water temperature to,be okay and I also want to have,everything stabilized before I put any,fish in so nothing dies on Reed so now,what I’m doing is I’m basically just,taking these plants that I got from the,store I got these beautiful basil plants,and they look really great so the,problem is is I don’t need the soil that,they came in so I’m actually just taking,them and picking the most healthy plants,and I’m actually just washing them out,of the soil and untangling the roots,getting all that stuff out because I,really don’t need all of that I’m just,getting all that off just to give a nice,little wash and it all does come out you,eventually do get it I already got two,finished,the system is looking really great I,have the bubble or hooked up and I’ll,show you all that a second but the,bubbler is not running just for the sake,of sound because it is a bit noisy and,then I’m just coming through here and,picking out some of these bad leaves,that I see because those are not going,to aid the plant whatsoever and I might,actually pick a couple of the healthiest,plants and leave them and just trim off,some of the non healthy plants like that,right there I’ll leave that plant it,looks really nice now I’m going to bring,it over here and what I’m going to do is,I’m just going to take it I’m going to,wiggle the roots down I see I have just,a bit too many roots here so I’m going,to do is I’m just going to cut off some,of those roots I’m just going to wiggle,those roots in there weave them in and,then I like what I see right there so,then I’m going to come in here I’m going,to take this just as black gravel rock,here,and I’m going to basically just pour in,and fill in the rest of the net cup with,the Black Rock that’s going to support,the plant it’s going to give it a little,bit of a growing medium and this again,also will house some of the some of the,the bacteria that will help to reduce,the plant or another plant waste but the,the fish waste and it will and it will,increase the microbial activity in the,system so all of this makes part of the,closed system here which is really nice,now I didn’t think in I’d mention that,the water has actually just come up to,the very bottom of the net cup I’m using,a two inch net cup right here and,they’re just at the water line so,they’re not actually in the water but,it’s going to allow the roots to be just,touching the water so that when water,does evaporate and the plants do take,some up there’s not a gap there where,there’s no roots touching the water and,it really is good to start like that so,we’re just going to come along here and,I think I’m going to separate these one,more time they come apart just so easily,which is nice I’m going to stick that,one right there and that one right there,and there you have it as you can see the,fish are enjoying the micro bubbles down,there I have the bar of the bar aerator,plugged in and it’s working out,phenomenally I am so proud of this,system now like I said I’ve never seen,anything like this done before this is,basically just like a credit key method,it’s got the the float here just sitting,on top and this is an opaque paint here,so that no light comes in and damages,the roots and the roots are slowly going,to work their way down but they’re going,to have a very large root system right,around here and I got four goldfish in,here they’re going to grow nice,they’re going to do their business and,hopefully all of the the waste falls,down in the stones where the beneficial,bacteria are going to be growing in,number and colonizing all of the the,rocks and I mean what can I say it just,looks really beautiful,hopefully the plants do well hi I’ll,keep you guys updated but this could,fail just as much as you as it could,succeed because I’ve never tried this,before I mean heck I’ve never done,aquaponics before and I kind of went,against the grain on this one so there,you go come check this out really close,so you can see just how this thing works,the aerator cord basically just comes,down and I have it in a hole right in,the foam and the reason why I put this,blue taper on here is just so it didn’t,flake off anymore because I actually had,to cut this to size so I didn’t want it,flaking off any more than it was and it,doesn’t really stick very well but it,works so time being I’ll continue to,improvise this method if it does work,but I mean this is a pretty darn good,prototype if I don’t say so myself I,have to parsley plants and I have six,basil plants and this whole entire,project was done including the plants,was done for $35 including the tank the,pump the the tubing the all of the the,stones you see both down there and in,the net cups I used like I said just,those black river rock and and the air,pump and the goldfish all of that so I,think I did pre pretty good for a,cost-effective aquaponic system if that,is it works that’ll be the next thing,and if it doesn’t I can always just,paint the entire thing an opaque color,pull out the fish and I can just put in,a hydroponic solution and leave the pump,down there and I can just make it a,hydroponics,so really it’s it’s going to work out,fine the other way I am really proud of,this so yeah there you go so thank you,for coming along with me,hopefully you all learned something,hopefully I inspired you and heck if you,think this is actually going to work let,me know if you think it’s going to not,work let me know I just really want to,know what you think because I am so,proud of this but my pride obviously,does not lead to success all the time so,just let me know what you think and and,I think it’s gonna be really fun,regardless of it wit if it works or not,so alrighty well I better find a way to,hold this thing up to my grow room to,put it I rate some grow lights because,it’s not under any artificial lighting,just regular house lights and those are,compact fluorescent I want you guys know,how this thing works,step-by-step every single day and we,should be luck all right I’ll talk to,you all later is on my gardener writing,a t-girl bigger go home see ya bye


Why do Fish Jump Out of The Water? Real Reason ExplainedWhy do Fish Jump Out of The Water? Real Reason Explained

Why do fish jump out of tanks more if it has lids? Now can anyone explain to me how it’s possible the most of my aquariums that I have on display have got no meds and I have basically no problem whatsoever, with fish jumping out but then when I, have an aquarium it’s got a full set of lids and maybe there’s just a little bit at the back cut out for the heater court or something like that that is the tank that the fish jump out so it’s almost like if you give your fish a hundred percent chance to jump out they’re not interested but then if you give them, very little chance to get out they take any little chance they get to jump out and land on the floor as if they’ve outsmarted you or something anyway who seems to think that tanks with no leads don’t lose fish by jumping out and tanks with lids with a tiny gap lose more fish never really understood that.


Are Fish Warm Blooded or Cold Blooded? Mystery Decoded By ExpertAre Fish Warm Blooded or Cold Blooded? Mystery Decoded By Expert

Warm-Blooded Vs Cold-Blooded Science divides thermoregulation into endothermic or ectothermic; homoeothermic or poikilothermic,(poiˈkēləˌTHərmic). Endo and ecto thermic describe an animal that either makes its own heat or gets it from, the environment. Home and Poi kilo describe whether the temperature is constant. A cute Siamese cat is an endotherm and homoeothermic, it makes it’s own heat, and maintains a constant, body temperature; most mammals and birds are endothermic homoeotherms — what elementary, school would call warm-blooded. Fish, amphibians, reptiles and most invertebrates are ectothermic poikilotherms; they get heat, from the environment and let their body temperature fluctuate — what the youths would call cold-blooded. But that’s only part of the picture! They make their own heat, but don’t always maintain it. Some fish maintain a constant temperature and create heat by swimming from cold to warmer water, but can’t generate it themselves; leatherback turtles and lamnid sharks do this too! All I’m saying is, it’s a wider world than the black-and-white of cold versus warm blood!