Cleaning Cat Ears | Best 5 Steps To Clean Cats Ears
Cleaning cat ears is not something you should need to do regularly. Cats are very good about grooming themselves and this includes their ears. If you are going to Cleaning Cat Ears however, it is probably easiest to do this while you are bathing or brushing them. Your cat may have excess ear wax and external dirt just at the base of the ear, this is easily cleaned with a cotton ball and some hydrogen peroxide. Rub the ear clean gently while you pet your cat.
Things to Look For While Cleaning Cat Ears
It is important that cat owners are aware of some of the things to look for when cleaning their cat’s ears that may mean a visit to the Vet. There are a few conditions that can affect the ears that require veterinary attention.
Ear Mites called Otodectes cyanosis are a very common and irritating problem. They have a life cycle of 21 days from egg to adult and feed off skin flakes and secretions in the ear. Ears in an infected cat will have dark wax that may resemble dirt. Your cat may scratch and shake its ears and head. They are easily diagnosed by your Vet who will use an otoscope, just like the one in your doctor’s office. The mites are seen as small, off-white dots moving on dark wax. Your cat will receive a medicated ear cleaning and then will be sent home with ear medication in the form of drops.
Ear infections caused by bacteria, yeast, and fungus can make your cat’s ears have foul-smelling discharge. There may also be excessive scratching and irritation. If these are left without proper veterinary care they may cause severe damage to the inner ear and even cause loss of balance or deafness.
Infections and mites may also require cytology. Your vet will swab your cat’s ear and then stain the sample before reading it beneath a microscope. Different bacteria will be colored and let your vet know what, exactly, is causing the problem and how best to treat it.
Before discussing how to clean ears, it is important to note that the average pet owner should not attempt to clean their cat’s ears with cotton swabs. Stick to cotton balls. Cats don’t like to sit still, they will shake and jerk and using cotton balls prevents the risk that they will accidentally rupture the ear and need emergency treatment.
How to cleaning cat ears
For a good, thorough cleaning cat ears, discuss what solution is best for your cat with your vet and begin with a good general cleaning. Before beginning, decide if you have or want help. If you don’t want help or no one is around to help you, wrap your cat tightly in a towel with just your cat’s head exposed.
This will keep them from scratching you or wiggling away. Clear away dirty or matted hair from around the ear. Remember to be gentle as the parts of the ears, such as ear canals and ear flaps, are very sensitive. Harsh movements and aggressive cleaning can cause damage. cleaning cat ears can be done in five easy steps.
- Stand behind your cat so you are not looming over it, lift the ear so it is standing straight up, and squeeze a few drops of cleanser into the ear.
- Massage it to make sure it gets well into the canal. You should hear it swishing inside.
- Do the same to the other side
- Stand back and let your cat shake its head, this will bring softened ear wax up out of the canals.
- Use clean cotton balls to gently wipe up and out of the canal. You may need to tear the cotton balls in half. Keep cleaning with a fresh cotton ball for cleaning cat ears until they come up clean. If any of this seems painful for your cat, the cotton balls turn up off-color (not a normal ear wax color) wax or you suspect ear mites call your Vet and make an appointment to come in. Make sure you give your cat a treat for behaving so well (even if they didn’t). This will make them more receptive to the idea next time.