Dog For the Family – How To Choose Best Dog In 2020
Many famous and classic dog movies show dogs and children as the best of friends. While this is true in most cases, we still hear reports of pet dogs biting or mauling young children. Many dogs for the family is given up when a baby arrives in the house because the owners think it is a daunting task handling dog for the family and children together. Depending on how your puppy or dog for the family is trained when it arrives in your home, your kids and dogs can be the best or worst of friends.
It is very essential to train your pup when he first joins your household. Your pup should learn to accept people of all ages including children. As children are usually at eye level, many dogs for the family may feel threatened. It is therefore important to get your dog for the family used to children in your house or in the neighborhood, their actions, sounds, and smells.

Best Dog for the Family
All children should be taught how to behave around dogs even if it is not their own. Troubling a dog for the family by pulling his ears or tail, teasing and hitting him or disturbing it while it is asleep is definitely a no as even a well trained and perfectly behaved dog has its limits. Many dot bites have occurred as children tease a pet beyond its patience. An adult should therefore always supervise kids and dogs when they are together.
Children must be taught never to approach, tap or hug a dog without the permission of the owner. A dog running loose will behave very differently than when he on a leash with his owner. Mostly, dogs do not consider children as figures of authority. Moreover, dogs feel threatened by children since children usually have a habit of staring keenly at them. Even the friendliest dog may bite to protect himself if he feels cornered.
Dog for the family should socialize their puppies to small children at an early age. The younger the pup is when exposed to kids, the more tolerant he will be. Socializing can be by walking the pup through a park or playground where children are at play. Regular experience of this kind will allow your dog to become familiar with children and their behavior.

Kids and dogs should never be left alone especially if the child is below five years of age as the child might unintentionally hurt the dog and cause the dog to get aggressive.
Dogs and children should be separated at snack time so that the child does not pass on its food to the dog for the family and also to prevent it from learning to steal food from them. The dog should have a place of its own either in the backyard or in some corner of the house to where he can retreat. Children should not be allowed to trouble the dog for the family when he is there.
Dog owners expecting new babies in the house should also prepare the dog for the baby’s arrival. Most of your dog’s schedules might need to be changed when the baby arrives, so make sure you implement these changes long before the baby arrives.
Make sure dogs for the family follow basic commands like Sit, Stay, Down, etc as you will need to use them a lot when your dog is around the baby. Let your dog know that jumping on you or knocking you down is absolutely not allowed. Let your dog get adjusted to the nursery before the baby arrives. Train your dog beforehand to stay quiet while in the nursery so that they can be allowed in while you are nursing or putting the baby to sleep.

Decide in advance who will be in charge of the dog while you are in the hospital. Ideally, this person should be a dog for the family. While it will be very difficult to give your dog a lot of attention after the baby comes, do not let it feel ignored either. Spending even five minutes of quality time with undivided attention will suffice.
As the baby grows, allow for bonding time. Teach your infant to touch the dog gently. Teaching a child the expected behavior with the dog at infancy itself is far easier than when he is a toddler. Allow your toddler to helping you feed and bathe the dog. Safety, however, should be your primary concern, and you should never leave your kid and dog alone no matter how well behaved or well trained your dog is.
The growing relationship between your child and the dog is precious and needs to be fostered. As a parent and a dog owner, you can accomplish this by teaching your kid and dog to respect and value each other. Dogs and children are wonderful together but only if the adults use common sense and put safety first. If this is done, fewer children will be bitten and fewer dogs will need to be given up or put to sleep for aggressive behavior.