Dwarf Gourami Care Guide (Food, Mating & Tank Conditions)
The Dwarf Gourami is one of the littlest and most prominent individual from the Gourami family, which likewise incorporates the Moonlight, Honey and the Three Spot Gourami. Dwarf Gouramis are local Asian fishes.
You would find them in streams where the water is slow-moving and the substrate has a lot of vegetation. The anal and dorsal blades start in the frontal piece of the body and stretch out almost to the fan-formed caudal balance.
Male Dwarf Gouramis are more beautiful and somewhat bigger than females when developed. A few shading variations have been reproduced however, some of these coloured variants are females as well.
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Tank Setup and Conditions For Dwarf Gourami

The aquarium ought to be intensely planted with enough space for them to swim around freely. Gliding aquarium plants help to diminish the light that is particularly essential to their suspicion and additionally, the darker environment brings out the hues of the Dwarf Gourami magnificently.
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Dwarf Gouramis can be restless when exposed to clamour so they ought to be kept in a place where there is not much din.
Just like Betta fish, Dwarf Gourami are labyrinth fishes meaning them intake oxygen from the air and require to come up to the surface of the water for breathing.
In the event that they are not permitted to access to the air, at that point they most certainly will die. The presence of a fish tank hood is imperative so that the air above the water is humid and as warm as the water in the tank.
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Aquarium Setup
The Dwarf Gouramis does well in set up aquariums with pH of 6.5-8 and dGH of 4-18. Water temperature ought to be between 73-82°F (23-28°C) so the tank ought to be obtained an aquarium radiator to keep them sound. It is highly susceptible to the changes in the water.
Hence, if the water quality degrades, the Dwarf Gourami will become prone to illnesses and die easily. Therefore, visit water changes must be performed to guarantee great water quality.
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Tank Size for Dwarf Gourami
A 10-gallon tank can hold up to 2-3 Gouramis.
Dwarf Gourami Suitable Tank Mates

Be cautious when picking tank mates on the off chance that you need to have a community aquarium with an assortment of different varieties of other fishes.
While Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful in a community tank, a species-explicit tank is additionally a typical and a favourable choice.
If the tank is added in with lots of plants, then Gouramis thrive with a plethora of species of fishes like Harlequin Rasboras, Danios, Mollies, Tetras, Plecos, Corydoras, etc. Just as the Dwarf Gourami cannot be kept with smaller fishes like Guppies, as they can be aggressive towards them, similarly they should not be kept with larger fishes like angelfish.
Ratio for Keeping Dwarf Gouramis
It is ideal to keep Dwarf Gouramis in a ratio of two for two or one male with two females as they are territorial and attack one another. Even though they are friendly fishes and do not disturb their tank mates, they can be aggressive or even kill smaller fishes.
Feeding Dwarf Gourami
As Dwarf Gouramis are omnivores, they eat both meaty and flaky sustenance that you feed them with. Giving them meaty foods like shrimps and bloodworms. They need to be fed at least twice a day.
Extra food that they do not eat and tends to settle at the bottom ought to be expelled at the earliest opportunity since they will ruin the water quality and jeopardize the wellbeing of your fish.
Mating and Breeding

Male Gouramis are more brilliant and marginally bigger than females after they acquire their full size. The dorsal fin is a characteristic feature which helps in determining the sex of the fish.
The males have a pointed shape close to the caudal fin while it is progressively adjusted in the female. Rearing Dwarf Gouramis requires a great deal of effort and proper temperature.
Set up a 5-10 gallon rearing tank with a wipe channel and radiator. The tank should be kept away from any place that receives direct sunlight to avoid disrupting their dark environment.
Skimming plants are prescribed to dim the light and add some to help for the male to create an air pocket home, which is where the eggs are harboured until they hatch.
The tank should be properly secured and closed. On the off chance that you don’t keep the tank secured with cling wrap, the babies will catch pneumonia and die, since they need to breathe air which is of the similar temperature as their water.
Acquainting the pair with the tank for rearing. They should mate in a few days. In the event that the female has been in the tank for three days despite everything, they have not given any indications of mating, remove her and attempt again later. Watch out for them.
In the event that the male is forceful towards the female, expel her and attempt later. Assuming that the mating occurred, what happens next is that the male will make an air pocket net on the water surface.
During the generating procedure, the female lays the eggs and the male places them into the air pockets by his mouth, after the fertilization has occurred. Once the eggs hatch, the male becomes aggressive and will chase off the female.
The female Dwarf Gourami should be removed from the tank and be placed in a separate tank to help her recuperate. For the following couple of days, the male will watch and tend the home.
He will clean the eggs, get and put the ones that have dropped out once more into the home, fix the home in spots that require mending, and so forth.
When the eggs hatch, the next should look obliterated at one side. The male looks after the fry until they start to swim on their own. The fry should not be fed until they are swimming freely.
The male Dwarf Gourami should also not be fed while it is looking after its offspring as feeding it will increase the appetite so much that the life of the fry may be compromised. The fry should be fed after the male has been removed.
The fry should be first fed with infusoria and rotifers, and then move on to feeding with artemia. The fry must be checked and sorted according to their size as the bigger ones may resort to cannibalism.