
Best Fish Feeding Guide ( Information And Overview )

Fish Feeding


Fish Feeding is an area where many people go wrong. It’s all too easy to kill fish with kindness. Overfeeding is guaranteed to pollute the tank and kill its inhabitants.


In the wild, fish eat whenever they feel like it, and whenever they can find food. It’s ideal to offer very small amounts (no more than can be eaten in 30 seconds) several times a day. For those pressed for time, the traditional twice-daily fish Feeding should be gone in a minute or two maximum, with no extra floating around.


Different fish have different needs. It is our job

as caregivers to see that
these needs are being met. All fish, from the common Goldfish to the rarest
African Cichlids need variety in their diets.


A community aquarium should get a high-quality basic flake every day and a
high quality is frozen food such as bloodworm or brine-shrimp every day or
every other day.


If you are keeping fancy goldfish, they should be fed a mix of color-enhancing
and vegetable-based pellets. The sinking kind is best. Once a week give
them some steamed white rice. It’s good for keeping on the weight and
avoiding balance problems.


Predators should be fed with pellets and frozen foods with occasional live
food if you can get some. It can sometimes be a problem if they are only
used to eating live food, but try to get them onto a mixed diet, as it’s better
for them.

Fish Feeding



In general, most fish feeding does quite well on one or two feedings per day. Most fish require 16 to 24 hours to fully digest the food they eat, so a once-a-day fish feeding is quite sufficient. However, some owners prefer to feed their fish very lightly twice a day.


Medium to large South and Central American cichlids need large pellet food
and lots of meaty frozen foods.


African cichlids from Lake Malawi, prefer vegetarian based food, in pellets,
flakes and frozen foods. Cichlids from Lake Tanganyika and the
“Haplochromis” types from Malawi like a mix of meat and vegetables.




Don’t forget your clean-up crew. Those catfish Feeding that works away without asking

for much need to be given some sinking pellets, both shrimp and algae.
Catfish like Ancistrus, or Bristlenose cats, need wood in their diets, and
should be kept in with driftwood.


Algae eaters and vegetarian type fish Feedings such as the livebearers and cichlids will

eat blanched lettuce, zucchini or mashed peas, but remember to remove
what they don’t eat after about 2 hours.


The market for tropical fish Feeding food is quite large and there are foods for many

different types of fish. Don’t be shy – experiment. Give different brands a shot
and look for the food that you think brings out the best in your fish.


When you go away on vacation, always try to get the tank to sustain itself. In a
lightly stocked, planted aquarium, adult fish Feeding  can easily go for a few days
without extra food.


One of the most dangerous things for aquarium life is
when you get non-fishkeeping friends to “over” feed your pets.


The best way to take care of your fish while you are away is to do all of your
maintenance the week before you leave, then get yourself a good automatic
fish feeder. The automatic fish feeder will feed the fish twice a day. You can
adjust the amount to make sure they are not getting too much.


You can also try one of the many vacation blocks that slowly dissolve and release food.These are sometimes unreliable – either getting eaten up too quickly or not
dissolving fast enough.



If you must have a friend take care of things while you are gone, make sure it
is someone who has a basic idea of what to do. Measure out the daily
portions of food and tell your friend if he/she misses a day, not to try and
make up for it by adding any extra.


When you get back to do a 25% water change using a gravel cleaner, just to make sure everything is okay.


Medical and care advice on this article is for your knowledge and information only. It is not a substitute for a veterinary appointment or an actual diagnosis for your pet. If you feel your pet has a health or behavior problem please consult your veterinarian immediately for specific advice tailored to your individual pet.