Best Information About Guppy Genetics ( Basic Tips & Guide )
Understanding Guppy Genetics :
As you enter into the world of guppy genetics breeding you are soon going to learn that guppies just like humans have chromosomes. In fact, they have 23 of these and these are packed with thousands of genes that are going to finally determine what the characteristics of your guppies are going to have.

Guppy Genetics :
When you put your male guppy genetics with your chosen female there will be one gene from the male and one from the female that will combine together that will create both the traits that you can see and those that you cannot see in the fry. In some cases, it is only the combination of one gene that sets the traits.
For those that are really focusing on those guppies with those brilliant red colors to them, which is the ultimate goal of many breeders it can take as many as four genes to get the desired results. As a breeder, if you own breeding stock that only has one or two or even three of these red genes you are never going to get the ultimate results which are the super red color unless you are prepared to cross with another unrelated red strain.
As a new guppy genetics breeder, you are going to be learning a whole new language that comes with the breeding territory. guppy genetics Two terms when it comes to genetic theory that you need to be familiar with are phenotype and genotype. Phenotype is in reference to how the fish will appear and genotype is related to the genetics of the guppy.

Guppy Genetics Breeder :
As a breeder that is going to be actively involved in showing your guppies, you will soon know that the show Judges are most concerned about the appearance of the fish. If your fish is classed as gold then it should look like gold. It doesn’t matter whether it comes from a gold strain, if it doesn’t show these qualities then it is going to get disqualified.
Knowing the color classifications and what is expected of them is going to help you with your breeding towards the show efforts. If the fish is being classed as bronze then it must have an old gold background color in the body and at least 25% of the scales must be comprised with dark edges. The background color is critical although any colors can appear in the caudal.
If you are getting into the intriguing albino then your fish must have red or pink eyes no matter what the body colors are. For the showing of albinos, guppy genetics there are two categories these are the red albinos and all other color albinoes.
The one advantage you have to go into the albino guppy genetics category is that if you cross any of albino strains then you can be sure that you are always going to get an albino. These are just a few examples of the many color categories that you will have the opportunity to enter into with your showing.

As you go through your breeding process you are going to have some disappointments. You may find that they are small in size or their color is poor or even the fins are not great shape.
You are going to have to find corrective measures so that you can upscale your breeding efforts, and the only way you can do this to improve them is to outcross to a strain that would be considered compatible.
Keep in mind though that outcrosses in the number of about 85% are more likely to produce fry that is inferior compared to their parents.
You are going to find that you have many many opportunities and options open to you for your outcrossing. guppy genetics there are a few basics that you can incorporate to help you with your endeavors. For example, if you are wanting to breed for red then you definitely don’t want to introduce another color into the mix. Some have started their breeding efforts and experimentation with crossing purples and greens.
Another possible cross would be to take a solid color and then go with a yellow variegated snake in the females. You have a wonderful world of opportunity to you with your breeding experiments but remember to breed responsibly.