Heat Stroke In Cats Best Information, Symptoms And Treatments
Heat Stroke in Cats
In heatstroke, the body is completely unable to lower its fever. All the mechanisms normally used to regulate body temperature, such as panting, are ineffectual. Heatstroke occurs often in cats that are kept on hot days in areas where shade and water are lacking.
It also occurs in pets that are left in unventilated, hot parked cars. Cats with short noses (Himalayan or Persian cats) and old or fat cats are especially prone to heatstroke since they are less able to regulate their body temperature in warm environments.
The signs of heatstroke in a cat are dramatic and include a rectal temperature of over 106°F, ex-tree panting, a fast-pounding pulse, weak-ness, a staring expression, and collapse.

Heat Stroke In Cat Home Remedies
High body temperature must be lowered rapidly to avoid brain damage or death. As in the treatment for fever, a cold-water bath or shower must be given immediately. Ice applied to the head and between the thighs is beneficial. Being in an air-conditioned room also helps bring down the fever.
If the body temperature has not dropped to 103°F intern minutes, a cold-water enema may be necessary. After a cold-water enema, improvement cannot be measured by rectal temperature.
Heat Stroke in Cats If your cat stops panting, seems more re-lax ed. and responds normally to your voice, you are doing well. Give your pet ice cubes oral small amount of water. Great fluid loss occurs during heatstroke in cats, and this must be replaced. Once your pet seems improved, the doctor should examine it. If this is impossible, check the rectal temperature for the next twelve hours.
If your cat’s condition gets worse, seek veterinary aid quickly. Be sure your cat is well ventilated during the trip to the doctor. Keep applying ice cubes to the headland between the thighs.
Heat Stroke In Cats Treatment
If your emergency treatment was successful, your veterinarian will examine your pet to make sure that there is no permanent brain or organ damage. If emergency treatment at home was not successful, it will be necessary to replace lost water and treat for shock(intravenous fluids and steroids).
Cold-water baths and enemas will be continued. Oxygen will be given if needed, and your cat will be hospitalized so that it can be observed closely for twenty-four hours.

Adequate ventilation, shade, and free access to water are necessary. Do not leave your cat in the car on a warm day. Carry water in the car for your pet. Remember, the sun changes direction. Heat Stroke in Cats If your pet is short-nosed, old, or fat, these precautions may not be enough. Try keeping it in a cool room wi than adequate water supply.
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