How to Treat a Cat who is Suffering from Hairball Vomiting
How to Treat a Cat
An injured cat may try to bite because of fear and pain. So approach the cat slowly, talking in a quiet and reassuring voice. Call the cat by name, if you know it. Stop your approach when you are about a foot from your pet cat. Bend down very slowly to the pet’s level, still talking calmly. Gradually extend your closed hand, knuckles upward, toward your pet cat. If no aggression is seen, pet it first with your closed hand. If the animal displays aggression, try reassuring talk for a minute longer. If this is not successful, use restraint. This is how to treat a cat when they are in some sort of pain.
Next, you should check for vital signs. Be sure the airway is clear and the coatis breathing, if it’s not like that than how to treat a cat for artificial respiration. Check the heartbeat and pulse control and look for any bleeding, look for signs of poisoning, treat for shock, and check for fractures.

The least restraint is the best restraint. Cats fight leashes and may choke to death. A blanket or coat placed over the cat is very safe as long as the animal’s breathing is not labored; this works well also with unfriendly cats. Holding the cat by the back of the neck for control is also effective.
In the treatment of a cat do not muzzle a cat. It can be very difficult to do, and it can be dangerous to you and to the cat. Besides, it usually is not necessary.
If there are signs of a breathing problem, such as blue gums, labored breathing, or staring expression, or if the cat has collapsed. Than treating a pet cat is really a responsible work. You will need to administer artificial respiration. Before beginning, however, check the pulse. If you cannot feel it, apply cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Place the cat on its belly or side. If there is no back or neck injury, extend the head and open the pet’s mouth to look for obstructions. Clean the mouth of any blood or mucus with your fingers and then close it. Recheck the pulse.
Now: Inhale; put your mouth over the cat’s muzzle, forming an airtight seal; exhale. Remove your mouth and allow the cat’s chest to deflate. Repeat this process ten to fifteen times per minute, and continue it until you arrive at the veterinarian’s office or veterinary hospital. Be sure to recheck the pulse often while performing artificial respiration. Treat also for a shock. While treating a cat you should be very careful as your cat is very finicky about things, very particular, that certain things should be done in a particular way.
How to treat a cat who is suffering from hairball vomiting

Treating a cat is not easy because the cat is very delicate and requires a lot of attention. They can have a problem known as the hairball problem. This problem arises when the cat licks itself and the tongue gets openly unpleasant or carping remark known as barbs. When a cat licks barbs catch the hair of the fur and consequently the cat swallows those hairs.
The cat tries to take the hair out from the mouth after taking a considerable amount of it. While trying to get rid of the hair from the mouth the cat eventually vomits. The symptom of vomiting shows the incidence of hairball problems in the pet. Under such circumstances, you are advised to take your pet cat to the nearest vet clinic for treatment.
How to treat a cat who is suffering from Asthma
If your cat is suffering from Asthma then you can treat your pet by taking her to a nearby veterinarian. The vet must be having pills that will give relief to your pet. You have one more option if you have the inhaler. You can put that inhaler gently over the mouth and nose of the pet cat. Don’t do this in a hurry, your cat should feel relaxed and comfortable.