Java Moss: An Ultimate Guide (Uses, Tank, Care & How To Grow)
Java moss is unique among different species which are found in the aquatic world. This Java Moss is the one which can provide a natural look and can even add life to dull and also bare tank which can make the tank so acquired look a decent and less boring one from one’s perceptive. This species of plant is the one which is easy to install in one’s aquarium and also the one which can be easily maintained while it is grown in one’s aquarium. One should also note that after increasing Java Moss plant, it’s almost impossible to kill it and get rid of it from the aquarium. Java moss is of the types where it will not be limited to space where it is grown but will cover almost all areas in the aquarium including the gravel, rocks and even other commercial level decorations used inside the aquarium to make it look more attractive to the viewer.
Java Moss: Overview

Java moss has its stem covered in small 2 mm long leaves which are oval-shaped and which overlap on to one another. Java moss has leaves growing underwater which are brighter and green colours, and even that leaves are smaller than the leaves which grow on land. Java moss takes the help of rhizoids to get itself getting attached to surfaces. The sole purpose of this rhizoids is to help the Java moss to stay connected to the surface, unlike the roots of another plant where the sole purpose is to provide nutrients. Java moss has not rooted in itself; so the only way left is to get nutrients from its stems and leaves present and keep itself growing in the aquarium. The history of the name of Java moss has a long discussion and debate included saying that it was formally named as VESICULARIA DUBYANA, but now according to recent reports, it has been scientifically named as TAXIPHYLLUM BARBIERI. There is no much accuracy available on this note, but yet it has to be accepted. There are mostly many names which create confusion for an actual scientific name to be taken and also various other Latin names adding up in the list. One should always use a Latin name when buying of plants is considered to avoid any confusion to the species of plant one has to purchase for one’s aquarium.
Different Uses of Java Moss

This Kind of Java moss is mostly used by the freshwater aquarists for many reasons and also benefits of this Java Moss. This is used to soften the harsh features present in the aquarium-like covering the wall or floor and even the filter when needed to make it look more attractive along with performing its actual duty to make the aquarium a pleasant one to watch. Java moss in the water will always tend to provide a natural look to the aquarium making it more attractive from top to bottom from every angle. It feels like when we walk through forests, and these plants are present, they make it even greener and dense for the viewer to enjoy its beauty. The most and first use of Java moss is aquascaping. This technique is a craft of arranging the aquatic plants, stones, rocks and other driftwood in a way which makes it present itself beautifully. This technique can be identified as gardening but which is performed underwater one. This is the beauty of these plants.
Java moss is also added to the aquarium to make it look denser than any other. Java moss is also added to the aquarium which has essential use as breeding tanks. These plants provide a proper place for laying the eggs in the aquarium so that they are protected in a way safe for them. These plants help the eggs to be put safely hiding it from larger fishes in the aquarium and helping to breed appropriately and more accurately. The eggs need to get attached and reproduce accordingly. The aquarium which has larger fishes and still has to produce has to have Java moss as a saver to the eggs and even give it a beautiful look altogether. Java moss not only protects the eggs but also provides ideal space to harbor the first foods for fry. Java moss is the agent helping the insects and berries to hide and be protected and also a right place created for the shrimp to stay in the aquarium. Therefore it is even famous in the shrimp tanks so that shrimp can comfortably live and also the aquarium looks well maintained and dressed with different plants and fishes.
Tank, Care, Maintenance & Problems

Tank Requirements:-
This java moss is a plant which is hardy and easy to grow in all water types present. There are some ideal requirements for the tank for Java moss to be developed which includes good water currents, soft acid water and temperature that ranges between 21 degrees to 24 degrees which makes it an appropriate one for the plant to grow in and cover all possible corners. Java moss is also habituated to handle temperature up to 30 degrees. As and when the water gets warmer, the growth of Java moss will slow done, and a slow growth rate will be available. And it is also seen that in waters having a temperature around 24 degrees it will have a reasonable growth rate. One will even know the difference between high and low lights available in the aquarium and one will also note a dispute according to the view chosen for the plants. Lower light given gives a plant a darker plant while in light, the plant provides a denser look. It is also seen that the higher the level of light higher the chance of algae growth even. This is a type of species which does not require CO2 and other fertilizers for its growth and has a natural growth rate in itself. Java moss is mostly compatible with all species of fishes. and Silver Arowana Fish.
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Java moss can have a maintenance of your own choice. One can let the Java moss grow wild and in all directions of the aquarium without formatting it in a particular manner. You can trim it in a way you want or even let it grow fully and cover all parts of the aquarium. You can use a scissor to cut down the extra plant part to be removed. The best option one has for Java moss is to plant it in the aquarium in a way and not touch it or attempt to adjust it, again and again, hampering its growth and position. One should trim it as and when necessary to keep it an attraction to the aquarium and not too wild.
Common Problems:-
Java moss can get wild, and it grows without any limit, and it can end up covering the whole aquarium for nothing else to show up and even clog up all things present in the aquarium. Java moss can cover up the entire aquarium if not rimmed or cut down in a particular manner and on specific times. If it grows dense and thick, the water cannot get to the center of the aquarium creating clog problem. The main problem one faces while handling Java moss is algae growth. This Algae proliferates where there are excessive lights and also under poor water conditions. As it will grow dense and thick in the whole aquarium, it will create poor water conditions at some part of the aquarium. If there is algae growth, there is no other option available than removing the moss and start all over again. There are certain chemicals also possible to clear out this algae problem but which will help only for the short term; it is not the permanent solution to the problem.
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There are three important things to balance to keep the algae growth in control or limited that are light, CO2 and plant nutrients if one controls these conditions algae can be controlled to some extent. It’s essential to keep those controls in your hand to get proper attractive and Clean Aquarium Tanks. A limited amount of algae is required to maintain the ecosystem in the aquarium tank but uncontrolled growth can lead to more and so trimming is needed, and sometimes even a whole new process has to be started from scratch.
Method to Grow Java Moss

Java moss is grown based on the purpose by which it is to be incorporated into the aquarium. The simplest way to build Java moss is to live it freely in the aquarium and let it grow at its own pace within the space so provided. Most of the people want it to be attached to a particular corner so that it grows there and gets access to a limited part of an aquarium tank. If any part of this moss falls off it will start building from that point almost spreading in the whole container. To attach this moss over something you have to connect it with some thread to confide it and grow at someplace. If you want to attach the moss, one should lay it on a thin layer over the rock or even driftwood, and one has to secure the same with dark thread or even fishing line. Once the moss gets attached, the thread can be removed after a certain period.
Java Moss Carpet/Walls
This Java moss has one right way of growing is as carpet or wall. This way of growing the plant provides the aquarium tank with an aesthetic look with covering walls of an aquarium and also the one which is easy to maintain. To create a carpet-like structure, one needs two pieces of thread, and it is also crucial for the tank to include nontoxic materials for everyone’s development. This sandwich of Moss can be placed in the tank accordingly and will start growing around in the aquarium tank. One can weigh the moss and also see to it that if you want the moss on the floor, some sprinkles can be done separately to make it more viable. This has other ways of growing too but growing it as a Carpet or to the walls will help it to be separated from the whole area of aquarium tank and also by this way one can expect to control the algae growth without clogging problem and get a healthy and easy to maintain plant for the whole aquarium tank.
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Java Moss Trees
This Java moss can also be grown as trees with the help of a piece of driftwood which stands vertically at any corner or even at the center of the aquarium, giving it a beautiful look. One has to take a wooden part or a branch-like structure onto which the moss can be attached to grow on it, giving it a tree-like look. First, you can also collect all your moss and then put it also on the top of the branch so selected even when the plant is fully grown off without any mess up too. One can also use a little amount of glue to attach the moss to the branch and attach to plants in small amounts also.
Is Java Moss Suitable for one’s Aquarium?
This Java moss is mostly suitable for all types of aquarium. It has various uses like protecting the eggs and small fishes from the larger predators and even as a shelter for the newborn fry. This is perfect for the beginner aquarists as it is easy to grow and maintain; even professional aquarists ca have the same in their aquarium. The only problem which is faced while having Java moss is it becomes wildly and is very hard to remove. In most cases, the only way is to remove all and start all over again.