The Palomino Horse Breeds: History, Origin & Cost (2020)
Palomino horse History
Historically, horses with the Palomino color were favored among royalty and appeared in a number of paintings over the course of time. The first Palomino horse was brought to the United States by Queen Isabella of Spain, who wanted the beautiful golden horse to flourish on the land whose discovery she had funded.
The first recorded Palomino horse was imported from Spain to what is now Mexico, where the bloodline spread to parts of Texas and California. Many of these golden Palominos horse was captured by the Native Americans, who used them for hunting, transportation, and warfare.
That breeds horse color is a genetic attribute and can occur in a number of breeds, but many believe that the true Palomino horse is a descendant of the original Spanish stock, which consisted of Arabian horses and Moorish Barbs.

Palomino Size
Height: The height for this breed is 17 hands. This approximates to 68 inches to the withers of the horse. The average height for horse breeds is 15.0 hands or 60 inches. Therefore, This breeds horse is taller than most horse breeds.
Weight: That breeds horse weighs 1,250 lbs, which is 225 pounds heavier than the average horse breed.
The term “Palomino” refers to a type of equine coloring caused by the cream gene, which gives the horse a cream color on a chestnut base coat. However, since most Palomino horse was registered before the understanding of color genetics among horses, the term is based solely on appearance and can occur in virtually any breed. It is the unique coloring of the Palomino horse that makes it a popular show horse and television and movie star. Famous Palominos include film star Roy Rogers’ horse Trigger, and television’s Mr. Ed.
Is the Palomino the Right Breed for You?
- Generally Healthy: This breed is perceived as a generally healthy breed. With no known breed-specific health issues, owners just have to ensure their horse maintains a healthy lifestyle with regular veterinary checkups.
- Multi-Talented: The Palomino is capable of performing various tasks very well. The most common ones are
- dressage
- general riding
- jumping
. With a diverse set of abilities, this breed can accommodate the various needs of horse owners.

Breed Development
The Palomino horse is one of the few types of horses that is categorized by color rather than physical attributes. Although it is not an official breed, a collective of English and U.S. societies are working to establish it as a breed by establishing selective breeding guidelines.
Horse Ownership Costs
There are both upfront and ongoing costs associated with owning a palomino horse. The charts below show the annual costs you will pay to maintain the horse and the expenses you should expect to pay when you initially buy the horse.
- Food: Includes both hay and grain. The price will fluctuate depending on the type, location, and time of year. Annual costs can reach up to $3,300.
- Farrier: Assumes shoeing and trimming are performed every 8 weeks.
- Medical Care: Exam, vaccinations, veterinary fees, deworming, and dental care are included.
- Training: Training sessions can start at $25 per hour. Training for specific functions can run up to $850 per month or more.
- Emergency Insurance: Insurance covers major medical and mortality. Annual deductible will also vary depending on the policy.

Costs for Common One-Time Expenses of a palomino horse
- Trailer: This potentially can be the most expensive item. With the greatest variance, used trailers can cost $1,500 while top-of-the-line models can reach $50,000.
- Tack: Horse riding equipment can also vary widely. Used equipment will help keep costs manageable.
- Pet-Purchase Vet Check: Highly recommended to all. This will let the potential buyer know the horse’s current condition and suitability before making the big purchase.