Best Information About Rabbit Health Issue,Symptoms and More
Information about Rabbit Health
Bad feeding practice and poor nutrition arc responsible for a great deal of loss, both directly through simple malnutrition, poisoning, deficiency diseases and so on, and indirectly through lowered resistance to specific diseases.
Apart from general unthriftiness and poor production arising from bad feeding, there are several specific conditions produced by rabbit health. Rickets and spontaneous fractures are relatively easy to recognize and are examples of such conditions.

Rickets is a condition in which the bones fail to ossify(`harden’) and become deformed. The condition is due to a lack of calcium and phosphorus in the diet. Vitamin D assists the bones to ossify, and thus sunlight (in the presence of which the animal can form its own vitamin requirement)assists in preventing rickets. The adequate mineral content of the diet is, of course, necessary, and on a good diet the animal swill not suffer from this disease.
Spontaneous fracture of the spine which usually results in paralysis of the hindquarters is due to a deficiency of minerals in the diet. These fractures, which are sometimes not easily apparent although the results are obvious, are relatively common in nursing does, particularly after a few litters.
Information about rabbit health diseases
here are a number of other deficiency diseases, which require specialist diagnosis, but apart from these, the breeder may be faced with cases of poisoning. These may arise from zinc poisoning (sometimes due to badly galvanized hutch fittings), phosphorus poisoning (generally through rat poisons being given inadvertently to stock) mercurial poisoning(through the feeding of seed corn which has been dressed,)and other forms. The diagnosis of poisoning is again a specialist task, and the only prevention is to ensure that food given is definitely free from such harmful ingredients.

Rabbit Health Death from simple malnutrition is not so rare as might be supposed. Very young stock may die from starvation because it is unable to suckle through some deformity such as a cleft palate, or because the doe gives insufficient milk. Other cases occur when the rations are of such a bulky nature that the rabbit cannot eat sufficient to satisfy its nutritional needs. The prevention of death from malnutrition is obvious.
Rabbit Health Issues
Malocclusion of the teeth
Occasionally a rabbit is found in which the upper and lower incisors do not meet, and the teeth, continuing to grow, reach several inches in length and prevent the animal from eating. The teeth in such a condition may be clipped and filed to the correct length, which may result in a permanent cure, but often repeated clipping is necessary. This is a laborious treatment and unless the animal is particularly valuable, it should be destroyed.
Very infrequently a rupture of the abdominal wall occurs, and part of the intestines protrude. Surgical treatment by a veterinary surgeon is usually satisfactory. Some rare cases of rupture of the stomachs have been reported. Generally, the cause is unknown.
Torticollis Rabbit Health Problem.
(Wryneck) This is a condition in which the affected animal holds its head on one side. Usually, deterioration occurs until the animal is unable to maintain its equilibrium and constantly falls over. Known causes may be advanced car canker or tumor, but there may be other unknown.
Overgrown nails
The nails of the rabbit health constantly grow but are usually kept relatively short by wear. Occasionally they become too long and should be clipped back to within one-quarter of an inch of the quick, which may be seen by holding the nail over a light. They should not be cut too short otherwise pain and bleeding may result.
A condition in which the rabbit health has an excessive flow of saliva from the mouth, which wets the fur down the jaw and chest. It may be due to a sore mouth such as inflamed gums, or too overgrown teeth, and also sometimes occurs after chilling.

Congestion of the mammary glands
This rabbit health condition often referred to as ” caked udder ” results when a doe loses her litter suddenly. The mammary glands become congested, inflamed and painful. In severe cases, the glands may become hard and split. The condition can be prevented by gradual weaning or by fostering young to her when a doe loses her own.
The doe should be put on a laxative diet and fluids should be restricted. Heat Stroke. Pregnant does are most often affected, but heatstroke occurs with other classes of rabbits as well. The condition is caused by excessive heat and inadequate ventilation, such as may be found in a poorly made traveling box. Often the condition is fatal and the only treatment consists of giving shade and good ventilation with water to drink.
Urine burn
This rabbit health condition is similar in appearance to vent disease but caused by inflammation of the anus and sexual organs by urine-soaked bedding. Treatment consists of ensuring dry bedding, bathing the affected parts with an antiseptic solution and applying tincture of iodine or preferably a good antiseptic ointment.
Intestinal obstruction with wool. An uncommon complaint in which a ball of wool or fur is formed, usually in the stomach, with the consequent obstruction to the passage of food. The condition is more common in angoras, and there is no treatment for a large wool ball, although a good purgative such as castor oil may help.
This term refers to a chronic condition in which the abdomen becomes permanently enlarged. It is sometimes sited wrongly in reference to bloat. The chronic enlargement generally results from a severe attack of liver coccidiosis, but may also be seen in badly reared young rabbits which have been given excessive amounts of bulky food. There is no treatment but the condition can be largely prevented by good husbandry.