Best Information About Rabbit Water( water Bowl and Bottle )
The question as to whether domestic rabbits should be given water. or not has been the subject of considerable controversy amongst rabbit water fanciers for many years. The reason for this is, it is possible to maintain rabbits without free seater if sufficientgreenfood or roots are fed, and several imaginary troubles have been attributed to water. That rabbits water can be maintained on a green food diet which contains considerable water, does not affect the fact that free drinking water is highly desirable.
Things About Rabbit Water :
Rabbits can lose nearly all the fat front their bodies, and more than half the protein and remain alive, but a loss of one-tenth of the water of the body will result in death. Furthermore, the rabbit can live for a relatively long time without solid food, but lack of moisture very quickly produces harmful effects. Water is essential as a constituent of all parts of the body, and without it, no food could be digested.

The maintenance of effective elimination of harmful products via the urine is dependent upon sufficient water, as is also the maintenance of almost all other physiological processes.
A small amount of water is obtained by the animal by chemical action during the breakdown of food in its body, this being known as metabolic water, but as the total amount of this metabolic water is unlikely to exceed an ounce or two, it should be discounted. The water requirement of rabbit water is variable.
It is relatively a good deal higher in the young rabbit than in the old, and thus a shortage of water in early life has a much more serious effect and even a restricted amount of water may seriously retard growth.
Rabbit Water Requirement :
The water requirement also varies according to the temperature of the environment and the food being eaten. Rabbits direct sunlight during the summer may lose nearly an ounce of water per hour, compared with an eighth of this amount when the shade.
Foods with high fiber, protein and mineral contents require more water than normal. In the case of the protein, the increased requirement is due to the necessity for adequate elimination and dilution of urea, the waste product from the utilization of protein.
In general, it is unlikely that any rabbit water would ever drink excessive amounts of stater. It occasionally happens, when animals are fed on excessive amounts of into dry mattergreenfood or roots, that in order to assimilate sufficient dry matter, they are bound to take rather more water than might be satisfactory. This can be overcome by ensuring that excessive succulents are not fed.

The water content of different foods varies greatly, from as much as 95% in turnips (although 85 to 87% for roots is a more general figure) to as low as to% or even less in the case of some oilseeds.
Most of the concentrates and hay fed to rabbit water have about 55% of moisture. The requirements by the livestock of water are slightly over three times the dry matter of the food. Titus for medium-sized breeds on a maintenance ration, the requirement would be between 4 and t pint per day.
This amount of moisture would be given by just under t21b. of greenstuff or roots. The requirement of young animals is much higher, being probably in the region of double that of adults. The suckling doe will require considerable amounts for the production of adequate milk supply.
It can be seen therefore that the water requirements of the domestic rabbit water are relatively high. They can sometimes be satisfied by a very highs succulent ration (which is generally not desirable), but in every case, a full supply of fresh drinking water is highly desirable.