Best Information About Schooling Tropical Fish & Guide
Choosing Schooling Tropical Fish
Stage one:
Look at the information on individual species. It’s a myth a fish will only grow as big as a tank allows it to. A poorly fed, poorly cared for fish won’t reach its maximum size, but who wants to do that?
Remember, in general, big fish eat little fish. Schooling tropical fish is a term commonly used to refer to Schooling Tropical Fish that are kept in heated aquariums. Freshwater tropical fish are more commonly kept than Saltwater tropical fish due to the common availability of freshwater sources, such as tap water, whereas Saltwater is not commonly available and has to be recreated by using freshwater with sea salt additions.
Schooling Tropical Fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and saltwater species.
Look up the social habits of species. Let’s look at some Schooling Tropical common problems and what they come from.

Schooling Tropical fish
Most fast-moving pretty little Schooling Tropical Fish. Try netting five of them at once, instead of focusing on one individual, and you’ll know how effective this strategy messes up predators. In the wild, alone Schooling Tropical Fish is as good as dead. In your tank? It thinks it’s done for, becomes morose and often dies of stress.
You should never buy one little Schooling Tropical Fish. You need at least six. This can be a drag in a 10 gallon that holds ten or twelve small fish. It’s another reason why a larger tank is better.
Some schooling tropical fish live in busy hierarchies. The popular tiger barb spends its life fighting for rank, not harming its school-mates, who know the rules. Put one alone, and it will try to train its tankmates by nipping their fins.
When they give the “wrong” response, they get slowly nipped to shreds. Schooling Tropical Fish A big group of tiger barbs will be so busy smacking each other they often won’t bother their tankmates.
One of the most surprising schooling tropical fish is the Corydoras catfish. Alone, they sit. In schools, they are dynamic, fun creatures. They’re happy.
Territorial fish
Cichlids are very popular, and why not? They’re smart and they care for their babies. A lot of aquarists blame them for that!
A territorial fish defends its territory, especially when breeding. The dominant male will often kill other males. Their vivid colors are warnings to other males. In the wild, a defeated challenger who sticks around is planning to attack again. In a small tank, the result is predictable.
Your little tetras will gobble down cichlid babies. Cichlids aren’t dumb. They’ll try to eliminate any threat to their precious young.
As well, the popular Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika cichlids arent for community tanks. In the wild, Malawi’s especially live in crowded
communities of cichlids, with the occasional catfish wandering through. In the aquarium, they will slaughter other fish.
What’s the point? Talk to a trustworthy retailer before you buy, and make sure you do a little research on the species you want. If you plan, you can have a great community tank. If you impulse buy fish, you may have a cute little snakehead eating its way through your twenty-gallon community, on its way to a three-foot-long destiny. It’ll succeed!

Stage two:
You’ve made an informed decision. Your tank is cycled, and you’re off to the store. If you see any diseases in an aquarium, don’t buy from that tank. Watch for clamped fins, wasted bodies, and white spots. Even if the fish you want looks healthy, a sick tankmate will have exposed him/her to disease. The stress of being caught, transported and released into a new tank favors the disease, not the fish.
Look for clear eyes, upright fins, and movement. Try to see if the fish will eat. Go back for a couple of days, and check the tank.
Quarantine tanks are a good idea, but few people have them. If you, like 99% of hobbyists, are putting your fish directly into your community tank, be patient. Float the bag for 30 minutes to equalize temperatures. Now, you have three options.
1. You can dump the bag and water right in. Most people do this. The water can carry disease though.
2. You can net the fish out, and put them into the water directly. You can shock a fish this way, as the water chemistry and pH can be different. You reduce the disease potential and increase the danger of shock.
3. You can remove some store water and add your tank water to the bag, slowly, until the two are the same or similar, then net your fish out. This way is slower but safer. You dump the water outside the tank.
Before you release your new fish, turn off the tank light, or put some food in the tank. If the established fish are busy or distracted, they’ll be less likely to pick on your frightened new arrivals.

Stocking levels
The aquarium cliché of “one inch of fish, not counting the tail, per gallon” is
good for tetras in well-filtered and maintained tanks. Fewer is better, although it’s hard for newcomers to the hobby to get around that. However, an inch of goldfish could hold a pile of stacked up tetras! One big-bodied Schooling Tropical like a goldfish will fill a c on its own.
You have to use your judgment, and stock as lightly as your desire to acquire new species will allow. Overcrowded tanks lead to diseases and heavy maintenance work.
And next? Enjoy.
Medical and care advice on this article is for your knowledge and information only. It is not a substitute for a veterinary appointment or an actual diagnosis for your pet. If you feel your pet has a health or behavior problem please consult your veterinarian immediately for specific advice tailored to your individual pet.