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Information About Burmese Brown TortoiseInformation About Burmese Brown Tortoise
Burmese Brown tortoise is a member of the Testudinidae family and is the largest tortoise in Asia. This tortoise can reach up to 24 inches in length and 20 kg in weight. It is a land creature with elephantine hind limbs and webless feet. This tortoise is mostly found in Assam, Myanmar, Thailand, Sumatra, Borneo and Malay peninsular. These tortoises are usually active in the morning and evening and love basking or wandering during a cold day. This tortoise doesn’t require much maintenance but, they require certain things to survive. It is important for the owner to fulfill the basic requirements of his pet Burmese brown tortoise. Requirements of Burmese brown tortoise Housing for BBT: This type of tortoise requires large enclosures to stay in as they grow quickly. They don’t like bright sunlight so it is advisable to provide an indoor enclosure to this tortoise. The enclosure of this tortoise should have a large insulated heated shed with a well-planned area.