Turtle Cage | Information About Best Aquariums for Turtles
How To Make A Turtle Cage
Building a cage for the turtle is not based on any strict principles and rules; the whole process is dependent upon just one factor, requirements of the turtle you own. The turtle cage should ideally be designed in a manner that comforts the pet turtle which has to stay within. Whenever you decide to build a turtle cage, a few things should be taken into consideration – utility, purpose, design, and looks are some of them.
Things to consider before making a Turtle Cage are:-

It is important to consider the function of the cage before building it. The cage should be designed in such a way so that it can meet all the needs of your turtle. There are several requirements that one should consider before building a cage. It should be spacious enough so that your turtle can survive and reside easily. Proper humidity and Temperature s essential to be maintained. It should satisfy the specific requirements of your turtle. Reptile cage should include an efficient heater, light, filter, water conditioner and turtle ramp in it.
Design of turtle cage:

Design is also one of the important things that one should be considered while building a cage for the turtle. A reptile cage should be designed in such a way that it can meet the above requirements easily. It should be easy to use and clean. One should design his cage according to his ability. Proper tools and knowledge are required to build a turtle cage. A reptile cage is also used to enhance the décor of your house. Therefore, one should design it in such a way to make your house look more pleasant.
Aesthetics of turtle cage:
It is also one of the most important considerations and it entirely depends on the owner. It is up to the owner of the turtle to design a simple box for their turtle or a nice piece that can be used to decorate your home. It is totally up to the taste of the owner.
Sunlight is significant for the overall health of the turtle; however, there should be glass covering on the cage as direct sunlight can cause algae growth in your cage. Cleanliness is one of the important things that one should maintain in their cage. Dirty water, environment, and food could be the cause of death of your turtle. How will your turtle eat, drink, move, rest and grow are the essential things that you should remember while building a cage for your turtle?
You can decorate your turtle cage with items like – plants, veins, branches, and toys. These decoration items should not contain poison in it as that can cause the death of your turtle. Items should be placed appropriately in the tank in order to prevent accidents in the cage. All items should be smaller than turtle’s mouth size as turtles tend to swallow small things. Pointed and sharp decorative items should be strictly avoided in the cage. Building your own turtle cage can be a rewarding, fun and satisfying experience if done properly.