Types of Tortoise (Water, Baskin, Land, Sea & More) | Best Guide
Tortoises are quiet, very calm and slow-moving creatures. They are very hardy when you can provide them with the right kind of environment. Their requirements are very modest and have a long life. There are about 200 different types of Tortoise or you can say species.

Tortoises that spend a lot of time underwater have webbed feet for swimming. They are also called as aquatic tortoises or marsh and swamp type Tortoise. Some Tortoises are semi-aquatic as they spend time both on land and in water. Land Tortoises are also known as terrapins and spend most of their time on land.
Water Tortoise:
In the water tortoises, there are basking types and non-basking ones.
Basking tortoises:
They climb on the log or rock and sun themselves.
- Spotted and Painted tortoises
- Cooters Tortoise
- Sliders Tortoise
- Maps Tortoise

Non-basking types of tortoise
These Tortoises bask at the surface of the water and not on land
- Mud and Musk Tortoise
- Snapping Tortoise
- Soft Shell Tortoise
- Side Necked Tortoise
The water Tortoise includes the aquatic Tortoise and the semi-aquatic Tortoise.
Aquatic types of Tortoise :
- Aquatic Tortoise is kept indoors and is commonly housed in the aquariums.
- Outdoor housings are seasonal and used only during warm days and may consist of some pond.
- These Tortoises produce a lot of waste and hence water needs to be filtered very frequently.
- Basking types may require some rocks or partially submerged logs to climb on during basking.
- The non-basking Tortoise will float on aquatic vegetation or top of the water.
Semi-aquatic types of Tortoise:
- Semi-aquatic Tortoise can be housed in the aquariums but will need more land than the water.
- This can be done by providing a water dish in the corner of an aquarium or a terrarium that is firmly anchored to the bottom.
- The tortoise can soak and go back whenever they feel.
- You may build any type of enclosures with a water area as these Tortoises require a lot of lands.
- These Tortoises can be kept outdoors seasonally.

Land Tortoise:
- These Tortoises live mostly on land which has some access to water
- They require fewer pieces of equipment and it is easier to maintain and clean their terrain
- These Tortoises seldom carry diseases that can affect humans
- Land Tortoise is housed in terrariums instead of aquariums as they do not need water much for their day to day activity
- Access to clean water in a spill-proof dish is enough
- These can also be kept in an outdoor housing as it is more beneficial for their growth
- Land Tortoise need similar type dry conditions like the desert type of Tortoise
Sea Tortoise:
- These Tortoises live in the sea and are not considered as pets as keeping them is illegal
- There are nearly 8 species of sea Tortoise
The most common types of Tortoise can also be large Tortoise and small Tortoise
1. Large Tortoise /Giant Tortoise:
These are the world’s longest-living animals with an average life of 100 years. These Tortoises have gigantic bodies with an average of 4 feet and can weigh as much as 300kg
- Saddle Backed Mauritius Giant Tortoise
- Hood Island Tortoise
2. Small tortoise:
These tortoises have tiny bodies like 2 or more inches and weight is few grams
- Bog tortoise (2 inches)
- Box tortoise (6-8 inches)
There are about 200 different species of tortoises. This article on types of tortoises will give you a general idea about the different types of tortoises.