Cat Cat Health
Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)
Cat Smoke Inhalation Fire does not injure by burning alone: smoke contains very little oxygen and a lot of carbon monoxide. Other poisonous gases may be present as well, from burned plastic, textiles, and rubber. These add more trouble. Thus, a fire not only burns the breathing tube sand lungs but also poisons your cat. Cat Smoke Inhalation Home Remedies Remove your cat to fresh air. Check its breathing and use artificial respiration. Treat your cat for shock, and then seek veterinary aid. Cat Smoke Inhalation Treatment If your cat is conscious, and there is no blood-tinged sputum being coughed up and no fluid in the lungs, humidified oxygen and steroids may be given to try to prevent such problems as severe pneumonia from developing during the critical period – the next forty-eight hours. Pain-relieving medication may be given to ease some of the breathing distress. X-rays will be taken during your cat’s hospitalization to monitor the lung damage.