somke inhalation cat

Cat Cat Health

Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)Cat Smoke Inhalation Information (Home Remedies & Treatment)

Cat Smoke Inhalation Fire does not injure by burning alone: smoke contains very little oxygen and a lot of carbon monoxide. Other poisonous gases may be present as well, from burned plastic, textiles, and rubber. These add more trouble. Thus, a fire not only burns the breathing tube sand lungs but also poisons your cat.   Cat Smoke Inhalation Home Remedies Remove your cat to fresh air. Check its breathing and use artificial respiration. Treat your cat for shock, and then seek veterinary aid.   Cat Smoke Inhalation Treatment If your cat is conscious, and there is no blood-tinged sputum being coughed up and no fluid in the lungs, humidified oxygen and steroids may be given to try to prevent such problems as severe pneumonia from developing during the critical period – the next forty-eight hours. Pain-relieving medication may be given to ease some of the breathing distress.   X-rays will be taken during your cat’s hospitalization to monitor the lung damage.


Cat Breeds Cat Cat Health

What is feline leukemia? | How to care for a cat with FeLVWhat is feline leukemia? | How to care for a cat with FeLV

Feline leukemia is one of the most common diseases to befall cats, especially those that go outdoors. It is highly contagious amongst cats and is a virus that attacks the immune system of the host, causing immunodeficiency problems that can lead to a host of secondary infections, many of which can be fatal if not treated swiftly.   How can I tell if my cat has FeLV (feline leukemia)?     Not all cats who are exposed to the virus will get it. Those that do will begin to show symptoms two to four weeks later during the acute stages of the disease. These cats will have a fever, be lethargic, vomit, and have swollen lymph nodes. Excessive vomiting is always a sign that your cat needs to see the Vet, so if you get your cat to the vet early then they can begin treatment and you can work on protecting them from secondary infections.

urinary system in cats

Cat Cat Health

Structure and Function of the Urinary System in Cats in -2020Structure and Function of the Urinary System in Cats in -2020

The Urinary System in Cats The urinary system in cats is the main waste-disposal plant. The paired kidneys clean and filter the blood continuously as it passes through them. They help regulate the amount of salt, potassium, and water needed in the body. The excess is passed on with the waste products of metabolism through two tiny tubes axletrees to the storage tank, the bladder. When your pet’s bladder fills wills enough urine, a signal is sent to the brain for your pet to head for the litter box or ask to be let out. The urine exits to the outside by a thin tube called the urethra, locate din the vagina of the female and the penis of the male.         The one important time for you to examine the urinary system in cats at home is if your cat is straining to urinate or has blood in the urine. A large bladder accompanied by frequent attempts to urinate is a very serious problem.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Tick – Treatment, Symptoms, & PrecautionsCat Tick – Treatment, Symptoms, & Precautions

In my opinion, any parasite that sucks your own or your pet’s blood lays approximately 5,000 eggs, and transmits fatal diseases to humans (Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme’s disease) is not a good citizen of the world!     These disgusting creatures bury their heads in the skin and suck blood until they look like fat, brown beans. At this point, probably because it is so fast that it can’t hold on anymore, the cat tick falls off the host and lays the5,000 or more eggs. The eggs hatch one or two months later.   The next two phases in the development of the cat tick are called the larval and nymph stages. These stages may last quite a long time because different cat ticks need differ-ent hosts to feed on. In the dormant stages, the cat ticks can patiently wait for months – or even hibernate during the winter under bushes, in the ground,


Cat Cat Breeds Cat Care & Grooming Cat Health

Cleaning Cat Ears | Best 5 Steps To Clean Cats EarsCleaning Cat Ears | Best 5 Steps To Clean Cats Ears

Cleaning cat ears is not something you should need to do regularly. Cats are very good about grooming themselves and this includes their ears. If you are going to Cleaning Cat Ears however, it is probably easiest to do this while you are bathing or brushing them. Your cat may have excess ear wax and external dirt just at the base of the ear, this is easily cleaned with a cotton ball and some hydrogen peroxide. Rub the ear clean gently while you pet your cat.   Things to Look For While Cleaning Cat Ears     It is important that cat owners are aware of some of the things to look for when cleaning their cat’s ears that may mean a visit to the Vet. There are a few conditions that can affect the ears that require veterinary attention.   Ear Mites called Otodectes cyanosis are a very common and irritating problem. They have a life cycle of 21 days from egg to adult and feed off skin flakes and secretions in the ear.

Cat Skin Diseases

Cat Cat Health

Cat Skin Diseases | Best Tips to Deal with Cat Skin ProblemsCat Skin Diseases | Best Tips to Deal with Cat Skin Problems

Cat Skin Diseases Information Cat skin disease is a common problem among cats. The most challenging task in maintaining a cat’s skin is the timely detection of skin disorder. The majority of the cat’s breed has lots of furs which make it difficult to identify if the cat is suffering from skin problems.   In this article, we will discuss some of the common skin problems among cats and guidelines to deal with a cat’s skin disorder. Skin disease can sometimes take very ugly shapes and difficult to deal with if not treated on time.   Some common skin diseases among cats are as follows:   Atopy: Atopy is very common among cats. It is a kind of allergy that is caused by inhaling dust pollens, mold spores, etc. The first symptom of this disease is itching. Cats who suffer from this disease excessively scratch their body. In acute cases, bald spots are also caused. Atopy is a treatable disease and can be prevented by identifying the source of allergy.


Cat Cat Breeds Cat Care & Grooming Cat Health

Cat’s Nails | Cutting & Trimming Properly | Best GuideCat’s Nails | Cutting & Trimming Properly | Best Guide

  Keeping your cat’s nails short is an important part of keeping your sanity as a pet owner. While shorter nails on your cat may not completely protect your furniture, it will make it more difficult for them to hook their claws into the fabric and stretch. Cardboard or sisal scratching posts, however, are made for nails of all lengths and may become their new favorite scratching choice. Learning how to trim your cat’s nails and keep them under control is simple.   Before You Begin     Before you begin actually cutting your cat’s nails, spend some time touching and massaging your cat’s paws in the days leading up to the nail trim. Gentle massaging and fiddling with the feet while petting your cat is a good way to get them used to the idea that you can touch their feet and won’t hurt them. Building this trust is important.   While you are doing this,

Cat Allergy Treatment

Cat Cat Health

How to Bandaging a Cat ? | Bandaging Tips and TricksHow to Bandaging a Cat ? | Bandaging Tips and Tricks

Bandaging a Cat Bandages are used to stop bleeding, to keep dirt and bacteria out of the wound, to keep the edges of the cut together, to support the injured area, and to keep your cat from scratching or excessively licking the wound. Bandages should not be so tight that circulation or breathing is compromised. If the wound isn’t clean when you can cover it with a bandage, you may hide a developing infection from early discovery, so get the cut clean and keep it clean.   A pressure bandage is any bandage applied with pressure. You can hold the bandage firmly with your hand or tie it in place. A Band-Aid is another pressure bandage. But it is limited to fairly small cuts and wounds.   Some cat owners leave bandages on too long. They should be changed frequently. Every day or two and whenever they become wet. The skin has to “breathe,” and you have to be sure that the wound is not getting infected –


Cat Cat Care & Grooming Cat Health

Heat Stroke In Cats Best Information, Symptoms And TreatmentsHeat Stroke In Cats Best Information, Symptoms And Treatments

Heat Stroke in Cats In heatstroke, the body is completely unable to lower its fever. All the mechanisms normally used to regulate body temperature, such as panting, are ineffectual. Heatstroke occurs often in cats that are kept on hot days in areas where shade and water are lacking.   It also occurs in pets that are left in unventilated, hot parked cars. Cats with short noses (Himalayan or Persian cats) and old or fat cats are especially prone to heatstroke since they are less able to regulate their body temperature in warm environments.   The signs of heatstroke in a cat are dramatic and include a rectal temperature of over 106°F, ex-tree panting, a fast-pounding pulse, weak-ness, a staring expression, and collapse.    Heat Stroke In Cat  Home Remedies   High body temperature must be lowered rapidly to avoid brain damage or death. As in the treatment for fever, a cold-water bath or shower must be given immediately.


Cat Cat Health

Massive Cat Head Injury Symptoms, Treatment & PrecautionMassive Cat Head Injury Symptoms, Treatment & Precaution

All cat head injuries are potentially life-threatening, even if there is no outward sign of cat head injury. The skull is a bony casing, and the brain bounces against the skull when there is a blow on the head. This can cause bleeding to occur within and around the brain, and the accumulation of blood can compress the brain. Cat head injury symptoms If your pet is or becomes unconscious, immediate veterinary attention is necessary. Other signs of cat head injury that the brain has been affected are-:   img src-: Uneven pupil size (caused by pressure on the brain from bleeding) Pale gums A slow pulse (less than 60) Limb paralysis or stiffness  Conclusion If your cat is unconscious, extend its head and neck and pull the tongue forward. Clean the blood and fluids from the mouth, and transport the animal on a flat, hard surface to the veterinarian or veterinary hospital. The most frequent cause of serious head injury is being hit by a car.