cat nutrition

Cat Cat Food

Best about Cat Nutrition | What is the Right Food for Cat ?Best about Cat Nutrition | What is the Right Food for Cat ?

Information about Cat Nutrition What is good nutrition, and why is it so important? Nutrition is the process of using or transforming food into living tissue. Cat nutrition is very important for a cat because the poor health of a cat may lead to serious diseases and may lead to respiratory problems as well.   If not provided a complete and balanced diet, your cat will not grow properly, reproduce, maintain the health of all its body tissues, or fight infection. Your cat’s hunt for a complete and balanced daily food intake is now easier than its ancestor’s hunt for thousands of years ago; thanks to commercial pet foods as they provide a complete healthy diet for a cat. The sound of the can opener or the jumbling of the dry food in the box will awaken the beast inside your cat – it will run from the comfy carpet near the fire-place to the kitchen to devour its neatly packaged and completely nutritious “prey”.

Cat Shock

Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Information about Cat Shock | How to Treat a Cat in ShockInformation about Cat Shock | How to Treat a Cat in Shock

Cat Shock Information Cat Shock is caused by a severe insult to your cat’s body – heavy bleeding, trauma, fluid loss (from vomiting, diarrhea, or burns), infection, heart failure, or breathing problems. It is a syndrome in which the heart and blood vessels are unable to deliver the nutrients and oxygen to the cells and are equally unable to remove the cells’ toxic waste products. If not treated promptly, the shock process may be impossible to reverse and your cat can die.     The major signs of cat shock are: Pale or muddy gums. A weak and rapid pulse. Capillary refilling takes longer than two seconds. Rapid breathing (over forty breaths per minute). A low rectal temperature (below 100°F), with skin and legs cool to the touch. cat Shock requires prompt veterinary attention. For immediate aid, you should be sure the cat’s airway is clear so it can breathe. If not, administer artificial respiration, check the heartbeat and pulse,

Cat Lose Appetite

Cat Cat Health

Cat Lose Appetite – Information, Basic Treatment, PrecautionCat Lose Appetite – Information, Basic Treatment, Precaution

Cat Lose Appetite information Cats just like people have their good days and bad days. If your pet is alert and active and shows no signs of illness but has not eaten any or all its food for a day or two, don’t worry. Cats who roam free are sometimes fed by neighbors, or else they feed on rodents or garbage. While this is not advisable, it could affect your cat lose appetite at home and begging on your hands and knees won’t help if your pet has eaten elsewhere. And remember the effect that the environment has. Both humans and animals consume less food and have less of an appetite in warm weather. However, loss of appetite (anorexia) is also seen with many cat illnesses, so see your veterinarian if it is necessary. Sometimes an abscessed tooth or gum inflammation can cause a cat to have a smaller appetite. Look in your cat’s mouth for any signs of these problems.

Cat Agression

Cat Cat Training

Cat Aggression | Dealing With an Aggressive Cat?Cat Aggression | Dealing With an Aggressive Cat?

Cat Aggression Information Fortunately, most cats in a household are pleasant family members. They get along with their humans and other “relatives.” But there are times when two cats will have a “dog fight,” but any aggression should be confronted immediately. Cats’ teeth and claws can inflict serious damage.   Cat aggression can be classified as follows: intermale, territorial, fear-induced, or play.   Raging hormones are responsible for the growling, howling, and posturing common to intact (uncastrated) tom cats trying to hold on to their territory and girlfriends. Castration will stop this behavior.   Cat Aggression Treatment If you have a cat that is always a victim of another cat’s hissing, growling, chasing, biting and scratching, and only comes out of hiding when the other cat is not around, you may want to give the cat aggression cat access to the outdoors or restrict the cats involved to separate areas of the house so they do not encounter each other.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Ear Infection – Basic Information, Treatment & DetailsCat Ear Infection – Basic Information, Treatment & Details

Cat ear infection, A small amount of light-brown, waxy material in your cat’s ears is probably normal. It is produced by glands in the outer part of the ear canal, and it protects the ear canal and ear-drum. The next time you visit your doctor and the ear exam is normal, smell the ears. You will then know the odor of a normal ear. Cat Ear Infection Cat Ear infections may exhibit a slight redness, some pus, and a foul-smelling odor. Head shaking and ear scratching are also seen. The ear may be painful to the touch. If this happens, be sure to check the ear flap for bite wounds or a hematoma (a tumor or swelling that contains blood). Cat Ear Infection Home Remedies Ear infections usually require the help of a veterinarian, since the cat’s ear canal has a complex shape. If you are unable to see a veterinarian, clean the inner ear flap and the part of the canal that you can see with baby oil and a cotton swab.


Cat Cat Health

Cat Lameness Disorder – Symptoms, Treatment, RemediesCat Lameness Disorder – Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies

Cat Lameness Information Neither an owner nor a veterinarian can always tell by eye or feel whether a bone is broken. If your cat is limping badly and you suspect a fracture, have an X-ray taken. Two common problems can cause weakness of your cat’s hind legs. The first is a pelvic fracture, which is generally seen in cats that have been hit by cars. The second is called arterial thromboses. This sudden blockage of the artery that supplies blood to both hind legs is being recognized more often in cats of all ages. The syndrome usually occurs suddenly:   The cat exhibits severe pain and weakness or paralysis of both hind legs, which are cool to the touch because no warm bloody reaching them. No femoral pulse can be felt. Clots can develop in the lung, brain, or other organs, and shock and death can occur suddenly. It occurs most frequently with a heart condition called cardiologist causes clots to be carried from the heart to distant blood vessels in the body.


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Cat Abscess | How to Treat Cat Abscesses at HomeCat Abscess | How to Treat Cat Abscesses at Home

Cat Abscess Information A cat abscess is a walled-off collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection. Pus is a collection of live and dead bacteria, dead tissue, white blood cells, and other cells called on to defend your pet’s body. Any damage to the skin, especially lacerations or puncture wounds, can admit bacteria into the underlying tissue.   Cats may form abscesses if their immune system is “sick” (i.e., feline leukemia virus or my infection). If the cat’s body cannot fight the bacteria, the tissue will be damaged and an abscess will form. A cat abscess is potentially dangerous: if prompt medical andiron surgical attention is not provided, the infection can spread to the chest, brain, heart, kidneys, or liver via the bloodstream.   A cat abscess is characterized by a warm swelling that is painful to the touch. Your cat may also be lethargic and have a fever. A common occurrence is having a cat brought to the office with lameness and lethargy that has become worse over a few days.


Cat Cat Training

Cat Training: How to Train Your Cat the Easy Way in 2020Cat Training: How to Train Your Cat the Easy Way in 2020

Cat Training In all the time humans have spent on making a civilized world, the cat has been able to bridge the civilized, uncivilized, and “other” worlds with grace and beauty. The cat, some feel, lives among energy fields that we are just beginning to investigate. For instance, a cat’s time sense, such as lying by the door in anticipation of its owner’s arrival, its psi-trailing (the ability to find its way home hundreds of miles), and its empathic responses, such as lying near you when you are depressed, are incredible phenomena. If you can understand your cat’s ancient behavior and language, it will make your life together richer and more pleasurable. In addition, it will make the process of training a happy experience. A cat uses facial expressions and its tail as well as its voice for communicating fore, be observant and watch for these indicators: Recognizing these signs will give you an advantage. In cat training,


Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Underweight Cat – Is Your Cat Under Weighted Or Not?Underweight Cat – Is Your Cat Under Weighted Or Not?

Cats that are underweight Cat or have lost weight usually are not receiving enough calories. If your pet is burning up more calories than usual (by living in a hot environment, exercising more, or becoming excited over nearby female in heat), eating a new food that may not be as digestible or eating less food(and therefore fewer calories), it can lose weight. If you have moved recently, brought another new pet home, or had a baby, your cat may be upset and may not eat well. But weight loss can occur from medical problems as well. In certain diseases of the thyroid, pancreas, liver, and intestines, food is not absorbed properly (diarrhea and/or vomiting will be present also). A weight-loss accompanied by increased urination and water intake may indicate the presence of hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or kidney disease. Heart disease (such as Cardiomyopathy or heart-valve disease) can cause a weight loss called cardiac Cachexia, in which the body does not get the proper nutrition because of poor circulation forms can steal the nutrition your cat’s body needs.


Cat Cat Breeds

Best Exotic Cat Breed Guide – Characteristics, TemperamentsBest Exotic Cat Breed Guide – Characteristics, Temperaments

The Exotic Cat or the Exotic Shorthair is the only hybrid cross recognized in the US. The Exotic is a relatively new hybrid created by crossing American Shorthairs with Persians. The intent of the breeders was to create a Persian type cat that didn’t require excessive grooming. These breeders could see that a Persian in short hair would make a valuable addition to the cat fancy. The hybrid breed ran into a lot of resistance from American Shorthair breeders who wanted to keep their breed true. Therefore in 1966, it was decided to create a new breed called the Exotic Shorthair which was recognized in 1971. The first Exotic Shorthair achieved the status of Grand Champion in 1971. In 1991 an Exotic was named the CFA’s Cat of the Year. The only crosses allowed are Persian to American Shorthair, Exotic to Exotic or Persian to Exotic. Approximately 50 % of the kittens from Exotic/Persian crosses can have long hair if the Exotic carries a recessive long hair gene.