Information about Cat Shock | How to Treat a Cat in Shock
Cat Shock Information
Cat Shock is caused by a severe insult to your cat’s body – heavy bleeding, trauma, fluid loss (from vomiting, diarrhea, or burns), infection, heart failure, or breathing problems. It is a syndrome in which the heart and blood vessels are unable to deliver the nutrients and oxygen to the cells and are equally unable to remove the cells’ toxic waste products. If not treated promptly, the shock process may be impossible to reverse and your cat can die.

The major signs of cat shock are:
- Pale or muddy gums.
- A weak and rapid pulse.
- Capillary refilling takes longer than two seconds.
- Rapid breathing (over forty breaths per minute).
- A low rectal temperature (below 100°F), with skin and legs cool to the touch.
cat Shock requires prompt veterinary attention. For immediate aid, you should be sure the cat’s airway is clear so it can breathe. If not, administer artificial respiration, check the heartbeat and pulse, and control any bleeding. If necessary, apply CPR.
Maintain body heat (with a blanket or coat) and very gently transport the cat to the veterinary hospital. If your pet is unconscious keep its head lower than the rest of the body. If possible, phone the hospital so that the staff can prepare for your animal.

Large quantities of intravenous fluids, criticaster, and oxygen given in can save your pet’s life. In cat shock, the capillaries are like a dry riverbed. The intravenous fluids flood the capillaries and renew the vigorous blood flow that nourishes the dried-out cells.
Do not change the injured pet’s position rapidly. A fast lift or rotation can cause shock to move into the irreversible stage.
If the cat is in electrical shock from chewing on wires, there is an added precaution: do not touch the cat if it is still in contact with the current! Unplug the electrical cord from the outlet and then check the cat’s pulse and heartbeat and continue treating as for shock. You may also need to treat for burns in the mouth.
If you find your cat to be in shock, try out the following remedial steps to recover your pet from the shock.
- At first, gently lift up the upper lip of the cat so that the gums and upper lip get visible. If the color of the gums is white then the pet certainly is in shock and is not if the color is pink.
- Place the cat sideways on a blanket or a towel with its head extended.
- Then gradually try to clear the airways of the cat.
- Lift up the head and rest in your hand while putting the other hand over its head so that the thumb and the index finger are just behind the fang teeth or the canine teeth.
- The slowly move the head towards the back so the nose points upwards. Then push your thumb towards the index finger so that the mouth gets wide.
- Pull the cat’s tongue out to clear the air passage.
- Elevate the hind parts of the cat by placing it on a raised pillow or folded towels.
- Try to stop the bleeding as early as possible.
- The wrap the body of the pet with a blanket or towel in order to preserve the body heat of the animal.
You are recommended to take your pet to a veterinary clinic for proper treatment.